首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Soil Science >CO2 Emission from Soil as a Result of Short-Term Green Manuring of Fallow Fields in the Cis-Baikal Forest-Steppe Zone

CO2 Emission from Soil as a Result of Short-Term Green Manuring of Fallow Fields in the Cis-Baikal Forest-Steppe Zone


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The focus of modern agricultural production on reducing greenhouse gas emissions requires attention to newly introduced farming practices, in particular from the standpoint of their influence on CO2 fluxes. Specific features of CO2 emission from soil as a result of short-term summer green manuring of fallow fields (during 35-40 days from sowing to plowing into the soil of Raphanus sativus var. oleifera Metzg) have been studied. This is a non-standard farming practice used in the forest-steppe zone of the Cis-Baikal Region. Changes in the seasonal dynamics of the CO2 emission relative to the traditional black fallow were studied in three-year (2015-2017) field experiments on gray forest silt loamy soil. An increase in the intensity of CO2 emission from the soil surface after the green mass is plowed into the soil was shown for two crop rotations. The total (May-September) CO2 efflux from the soil in the variant with green manure was 1.3-1.6 times higher than that from the traditionally cultivated soil in all years of the experiment. The intensity of mineralization processes on the plots with green manure enhanced by 38-131 in comparison with that in the black fallow. The loss of carbon reached 19-79 of the amount accumulated in the net primary production. The range of fluctuations in the total CO2 efflux from the soil depended on a combination of factors: hydrothermic conditions, the C-org and N-tot content in soil; the C-to-N ratio, the N and water contents in tissues of green manure, and the carbon stock in root and aboveground residues of the precursor. The correlation between the CO2 efflux and the studied factors weakened in the following sequence: qualitative characteristics of the green mass of oil radish > initial soil fertility > carbon pool in residues of the precursor. The results obtained indicate that the application of green manure to the fallow field increases the CO2 emission from gray forest soil during the warm season.
机译:现代农业生产的重点是减少温室气体排放,需要关注新引入的耕作方法,特别是从它们对二氧化碳通量的影响的角度来看。研究了由于休耕田的短期夏季绿肥(从播种到犁入Raphanus sativus var. oleifera Metzg土壤的35-40天内)从土壤中排放CO2的具体特征。这是独联体-贝加尔湖地区森林草原地区使用的一种非标准耕作方式。在为期三年(2015-2017年)的灰林淤泥壤土田间试验中,研究了相对于传统黑休耕地CO2排放的季节动态变化。在两次作物轮作中,绿色块块被犁入土壤后,土壤表面的CO2排放强度有所增加。在试验的所有年份中,绿肥变体土壤中总(5-9月)CO2外排量是传统栽培土壤的1.3-1.6倍。与黑休耕相比,绿肥地块的矿化过程强度提高了38-131%。碳损失达到净初级生产中累积量的19-79%。土壤中CO2总量的波动范围取决于多种因素:热液条件、土壤中的C-org和N-tot含量;绿肥的碳氮比、组织中的氮和水分含量,以及前体根和地上残留物中的碳储量。CO2外排与研究因子的相关性依次减弱:油萝卜绿团>前体残留物中初始土壤肥力>碳库的定性特征。结果表明,在休耕田施用绿肥可增加暖季灰林土壤的CO2排放量。




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