首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Physics >Joule heating and the thermal conductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas at cryogenic temperatures studied by modified 3ω method

Joule heating and the thermal conductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas at cryogenic temperatures studied by modified 3ω method


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During the standard ac lock-in measurement of the resistance of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) applying an ac current I=2I0sin(ωt), the electron temperature Te oscillates with the angular frequency 2ω due to the Joule heating ∝I2. We have shown that the highest ( TH) and the lowest ( TL) temperatures during a cycle of the oscillations can be deduced, at cryogenic temperatures, exploiting the third-harmonic (3 ω) component of the voltage drop generated by the ac current I and employing the amplitude of the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations as the measure of Te. The temperatures TH and TL thus obtained allow us to roughly evaluate the thermal conductivity κxx of the 2DEG via the modified 3 ω method, in which the method originally devised for bulk materials is modified to be applicable to a 2DEG embedded in a semiconductor wafer. κxx thus deduced is found to be consistent with the Wiedemann–Franz law. The method provides a convenient way to access κxx using only a standard Hall-bar device and the simple experimental setup for the resistance measurement.
机译:在施加交流电流 I=2I0sin(ωt) 的二维电子气体 (2DEG) 电阻的标准交流锁相测量期间,由于焦耳热 ∝I2,电子温度 Te 以角频率 2ω 振荡。我们已经证明,在低温下,利用交流电流 I 产生的电压降的三次谐波 (3 Ω) 分量,并使用 Shubnikov-de Haas 振荡的幅度作为 Te 的度量,可以推断出振荡周期中的最高 (TH) 和最低 (TL) 温度。由此获得的温度 TH 和 TL 使我们能够通过改进的 3 Ω 方法粗略评估 2DEG 的热导率 κxx,其中最初为散装材料设计的方法被修改为适用于嵌入半导体晶圆中的 2DEG。由此推导的κxx与Wiedemann-Franz定律一致。该方法提供了一种方便的方法,仅使用标准霍尔柱器件和用于电阻测量的简单实验设置即可访问κxx。




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