首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Horticulture >Physico-chemical, nutritional and microbiological profiling of probiotic Aloe vera juice

Physico-chemical, nutritional and microbiological profiling of probiotic Aloe vera juice


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Aloe Vera juice is rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers, nutrients, anthraquinones, saponins, phytosterols and salicylic acid. Its composition proves it to be an excellent source of prebiotics and a potential substrate for probiotics. Though Aloe Vera juice has been used for its medicinal and health benefits since ages, its value addition by converting it into a synbiotic is lesser exploited so far. This investigation involves physicochemical, microbiological, antioxidant and sensory evaluation of probiotic Aloe vera juice developed at the lab scale by using Lactobacillus acidophilus MTCC 10307. The probiotic culture was inoculated into the Aloe vera juice with initial concentration of 109-1010 CFU/ml. The probiotic viability, pH, total soluble solids (TSS), titrable acidity, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, lactic acid content, anti-oxidant activity, vitamin C and microbial contaminations were measured at weekly interval upto six weeks. The probiotic viability remained above 8 log CFU/ml during the first four weeks of storage at 4°C. The total plate count, coliform count and yeast and mould count also remained within satisfactory limits. The sensory evaluation of aloe vera juice with and without probiotic inoculation revealed it to be potential synbiotic product.
机译:芦荟汁富含维生素、矿物质、纤维、营养成分、蒽醌类、皂苷、植物甾醇和水杨酸。它的成分证明它是益生元的极好来源和益生菌的潜在底物。尽管芦荟汁自古以来就被用于其药用和健康益处,但迄今为止,通过将其转化为合生元来增加其价值的开发较少。本研究涉及使用嗜酸乳杆菌 MTCC 10307 在实验室规模开发的益生菌芦荟汁的理化、微生物、抗氧化和感官评估。将益生菌培养物接种到芦荟汁中,初始浓度为109-1010 CFU/ml。每周测量一次益生菌活力、pH值、总可溶性固形物(TSS)、可滴定酸度、总糖、还原糖、非还原糖、乳酸含量、抗氧化活性、维生素C和微生物污染。在 4°C 下储存的前 4 周内,益生菌活力保持在 8 log CFU/ml 以上。 总菌皿数、大肠菌群数、酵母菌数和霉菌数也保持在令人满意的范围内。芦荟汁的感官评估显示,芦荟汁与否接种了益生菌,是潜在的合生元产品。




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