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AI-enabled digital forgery analysis and crucial interactions monitoring in smart communities

机译:AI-enabled digital forgery analysis and crucial interactions monitoring in smart communities

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Digital forgery has become one of the attractive research fields in today's technology. There are several types of forgery in digital media transmission, especially digital image transmission. A common type of forgery is copy move forgery (CMF). The CMF may be encountered in streets, railway stations, underground stations, or festivals. This type of forgery may lead to hugger-mugger in some cases. Therefore, there is a need to find a sufficient countermeasure mechanism to detect image forgeries. This paper presents a new CMFD approach that depends on deep learning for IoT based smart cities. Two well-known deep learning models, namely CNN and ConvLSTM, are adopted for CMFD. The proposed models are tested on MICC-220, MICC-600 and MICC 2000 datasets for validation. Several tests are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed models. The simulation results reveal that the testing accuracy reaches 95, 73, and 94 for MICC-F220, MICC-F600 and MICC-F2000 datasets. In addition, the proposed approach achieves an accuracy of 85 for a combined set of all datasets.




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