首页> 外文期刊>Qualitative health research >'If You Can Just Break the Stigma Around It': LGBTQI plus Migrants' Experiences of Stigma and Mental Health

'If You Can Just Break the Stigma Around It': LGBTQI plus Migrants' Experiences of Stigma and Mental Health

机译:“如果你能打破围绕它的污名”:LGBTQI 加上移民的污名和心理健康经历

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Migrants, that is people who experience forced displacement or move based on being lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirit, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+), experience increased trauma and stigma when compared to heterosexual and cisgender people. The aim of this paper is to highlight LGBTQI+ migrants' experiences of health and social care encounters in Canada. Gadamerian hermeneutics and an intersectionality lens was used to understand LGBTQI+ migrants' experiences. A total of 16 semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with LGBTQI+ migrants. Themes of stigma and discrimination were identified as (1) "I never went back": Stigma as an exclusionary experience, (2) "Is your country of birth really that bad": Fear, safety, and cultural stigma, and (3) "The circle horizontal ellipsis is not going to fix my life": LGBTQI+ migrants' call for affirming care. Results suggest that health and social care practices are stigmatizing and discriminatory which negatively impacts LGBTQI+ migrant mental health. Salient practices for promoting mental health included affirming LGBTQI+ identities and orientations through health and social care practices that are culturally safe as well as trauma and violence informed.
机译:与异性恋和顺性别者相比,移民,即因女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别、双性恋、酷儿和双性人 (LGBTQI+) 而被迫流离失所或迁移的人,遭受的创伤和耻辱感更大。本文的目的是强调 LGBTQI+ 移民在加拿大遇到健康和社会护理的经历。伽达默尔诠释学和交叉性视角被用来理解LGBTQI+移民的经历。共对 LGBTQI+ 移民进行了 16 次半结构化个人访谈。污名化和歧视的主题被确定为 (1) “我从未回去”:污名化是一种排他性经历,(2) “[你的出生国] 真的那么糟糕吗”:恐惧、安全和文化污名化,以及 (3) “圆形水平省略号不会修复我的生活”:LGBTQI+ 移民呼吁肯定护理。结果表明,健康和社会护理实践具有污名化和歧视性,对 LGBTQI+ 移民的心理健康产生了负面影响。促进心理健康的突出做法包括通过文化上安全以及创伤和暴力知情的健康和社会护理实践来确认 LGBTQI+ 的身份和取向。




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