首页> 外文期刊>Qualitative health research >How do Positive Deviants Overcome Health-Related Stigma? An Exploration of Development of Positive Deviance Among People With Stigmatized Health Conditions in Indonesia

How do Positive Deviants Overcome Health-Related Stigma? An Exploration of Development of Positive Deviance Among People With Stigmatized Health Conditions in Indonesia


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A constructivist grounded theory approach was used to understand how some people living with stigmatized health conditions develop positive deviance to overcome stigma. We examined interviews from 13 identified positive deviants living with four different stigmatized health conditions (HIV, leprosy, schizophrenia, and diabetes) in Indonesia. Positive deviance develops in the form of psychological empowerment through improvement of self-belief and perception (intrapersonal component), development of understanding and skill to exert control in life (interactional component), and self-discovery of successful behaviors and strategies to avert stigma (behavioral component). Positive deviants, after being empowered, start empowering others affected by sharing their knowledge and fostering social awareness and acceptance. The findings revealed the presence of problem-solving ability and agency within the community of stigmatized individuals in Indonesia and warrant researchers to partner with the community to expedite the diffusion of transferable positive deviant strategies within and outside the communities.
机译:建构主义扎根理论方法被用来理解一些生活在污名化健康状况中的人如何发展出积极的偏差来克服污名化。我们检查了 13 名在印度尼西亚患有四种不同污名化健康状况(艾滋病毒、麻风病、精神分裂症和糖尿病)的阳性偏差者的访谈。积极的偏差通过提高自信心和感知(人际内部成分)、发展理解和技能以控制生活(互动成分)以及自我发现成功的行为和避免耻辱的策略(行为成分)来增强心理能力。积极的越轨者在被赋予权力后,开始通过分享他们的知识并培养社会意识和接受度来赋予其他受影响的人权力。研究结果显示,在印度尼西亚被污名化的个人社区中存在解决问题的能力和能动性,并保证研究人员与社区合作,以加快社区内外可转移的积极偏差策略的传播。




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