首页> 外文期刊>Advanced functional materials >Hump-Inspired Hierarchical Fabric for Personal Thermal Protection and Thermal Comfort Management

Hump-Inspired Hierarchical Fabric for Personal Thermal Protection and Thermal Comfort Management


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Personal protection is critical for firefighters to ensure their safety in anextreme fire environment. However, conventional firefighter uniforms tendto focus on thermal protection and have the bottleneck of lacking personalthermal management. The heat stress caused by poor thermal managementinevitably detriments human body health. Here, a hump-inspiredhierarchical fabric (HHF) composed of hierarchical insulation structure anddirectional water transport is demonstrated for personal thermal protectionand thermal comfort management. The results show that the HHF exhibitsenhanced thermal insulation ability and endows continuous one-way liquidflow through distributed sweat-wicking channels. Compared to conventionalfirefighter uniform fabrics, HHF shows simultaneously low thermal conductivity(0.0192 W m~(?1) K~(?1)) in the cross-plane direction and high breathabilityand moisture permeability. It is observed that the temperature and relativehumidity of the simulated skin covered-HHF uniform at extreme condition(≈80 ℃) are ≈20.6 ℃ and ≈13.6 lower than that of conventional firefighteruniforms. It is expected that the HHF fabric with exceptional thermal performancecan make a significant impact on future development of advancedprotection uniform for firefighters.
机译:个人防护对于消防员在极端火灾环境中确保其安全至关重要。然而,传统的消防员制服往往注重热保护,存在缺乏个人热管理的瓶颈。热管理不善引起的热应激不可避免地损害人体健康。在这里,展示了一种由分层绝缘结构和定向输水组成的驼峰式分层织物(HHF),用于个人热保护和热舒适性管理。结果表明,HHF具有较强的隔热能力,并赋予液体通过分布式吸汗通道的连续单向流动。与传统的消防员制服面料相比,HHF在横平面方向上同时表现出较低的导热系数(0.0192 W m~(?1) K~(?1))和高透气性和透湿性。结果表明,在极端条件下(≈80 °C)下模拟皮肤覆盖-HHF制服的温度和相对湿度分别比常规消防员制服低≈20.6 °C和≈13.6%。预计具有卓越热性能的HHF面料将对消防员先进防护服的未来发展产生重大影响。




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