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Validation of the Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology and the diagnostic accuracy of FNA cytology for submandibular gland lesions

机译:用于报告唾液腺细胞病理学的 Milan 系统的验证和 FNA 细胞学对下颌下腺病变的诊断准确性

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Background The Milan System for Salivary Gland Cytopathology (MSRSGC) is a categorical system for salivary gland fine-needle aspiration cytopathology (FNAC) developed to aid clinicians in the management of salivary gland lesions. This classification is widely studied and validated, especially in cohorts that consist of mostly parotid gland lesions. However, only sparse literature describes the use of this classification for submandibular gland lesions in particular. Methods All patients in the Netherlands that underwent a submandibular gland resection between January 1, 2006, and January 1, 2017, with a FNAC before resection were identified with the use of the Dutch Pathology Registry database (PALGA). All FNAC results were retrospectively classified according to the MSRSGC. The risk of malignancy was calculated for all the MSRSGC categories. The sensitivity and specificity of the MSRSGC classification were calculated for submandibular gland FNAC. Results A total of 837 patients who underwent 975 FNAC aspirates from the submandibular glands were included in the analysis. Risks of malignancy for each of the MSRSGC categories were 14.4 in nondiagnostic, 4.4 in nonneoplastic, 37.0 in atypia of unknown significance, 3.9 in benign neoplasms, 40.7 in salivary gland neoplasms of unknown malignant potential, 76.2 in suspected malignant, and 91.3 in malignant cytology results. The sensitivity for diagnosing malignant submandibular gland tumors was 71.6 and specificity was 98.4. Conclusions The results of the present study validate the use of this classification for submandibular gland lesions. Risks of malignancy vary according to the anatomical subsites of the salivary gland lesions. Lay Summary The risks of malignancy of the various Milan System for Salivary Gland Cytopathology (MSRSGC) categories vary according to the anatomical subsite of the salivary gland lesion. The proposed management techniques of the MSRSGC are valid for use with submandibular gland lesions.
机译:背景 米兰唾液腺细胞病理学系统 (MSRSGC) 是一种用于唾液腺细针穿刺细胞病理学 (FNAC) 的分类系统,旨在帮助临床医生管理唾液腺病变。这种分类得到了广泛的研究和验证,特别是在主要由腮腺病变组成的队列中。然而,只有很少的文献描述了这种分类在下颌下腺病变中的应用。方法 利用荷兰病理学登记数据库(Dutch Pathology Registry database, PALGA)鉴定2006年1月1日至2017年1月1日期间接受下颌下腺切除术、切除前FNAC的患者。所有FNAC结果均根据MSRSGC进行回顾性分类。计算所有 MSRSGC 类别的恶性肿瘤风险。计算下颌下腺FNAC的MSRSGC分类的敏感性和特异性。结果 共纳入837例下颌下腺FNAC抽吸术的患者。MSRSGC各类别的恶性肿瘤风险在非诊断性肿瘤中为14.4%,在非肿瘤性中为4.4%,在意义不明的异型性中为37.0%,在良性肿瘤中为3.9%,在恶性潜力未知的唾液腺肿瘤中为40.7%,在疑似恶性肿瘤中为76.2%,在恶性细胞学结果中为91.3%。诊断恶性下颌下腺肿瘤的敏感性为71.6%,特异性为98。4%.结论 本研究结果验证了该分类在下颌下腺病变中的应用。恶性肿瘤的风险因唾液腺病变的解剖亚部位而异。简明扼要 唾液腺细胞病理学米兰系统 (MSRSGC) 各种类别的恶性肿瘤风险因唾液腺病变的解剖亚部位而异。MSRSGC 提出的管理技术适用于下颌下腺病变。




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