首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Emersion and recoveryalteroxygen consumption, ammonia and urea excretion, and oxidative stress parameters, but not difiusive water exchange or transepithelial potential in the green crab Carcinus maenas

Emersion and recoveryalteroxygen consumption, ammonia and urea excretion, and oxidative stress parameters, but not difiusive water exchange or transepithelial potential in the green crab Carcinus maenas


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The green crab (Carcinus maenas) is an inshore species affected by intertidal zonation patterns, facing periods of emersion during low lide and submersion during high tide. During these periods of air and subsequent water exposure, these species can face physiological challenges. We examined changes in O2 consumption rate (Mo,), and ammonia and urea excretion rates over sequential 14 h periods in seawater (32 ppl, control), in air and during recovery in seawater after air exposure (13 DEG;C throughout). At the end of each exposure, the anterior (5th) and posterior (8th) gills and the hepatopancreas were removed for measurements of oxidative stress parameters (TBARS and calajase in the gills and hepatopancreas, and protein carbonyls in the gills). Mo, remained unchanged during air exposure, but increased greatly (3.4-fold above control levels) during the recovery period. Ammonia and urea net fluxes were reduced by 98 during air exposure, but rebounded during recovery to >2-fold the control rates. Exchangeable water pools, rate constants of diffusive water exchange, unidirectional diffusive water flux rates (using tritiated waler) and transepithelial potential were also measured during control and recovery treatments, but exhibited no significant changes. Damage to proteins was not observed in either gill. However, lipid damage bccurred in the anterior (respiratory) gill after the air exposure but not in the posterior (ionoregulatory) gill or hepatopancreas. Catalase activity also decreased significantly in recovery relative to levels during air exposure in both the anterior gill and hepalopancreas, but not in the posterior gill. The crabs did not modify water metabolism or permeability. We conclude that Mo, was maintained but not enhanced during air exposure, while ammonia and urea-N excretion were impaired. As a result, all of these parameters increase greally during re-immersion recovery, and oxidative stress also occurs. Clearly, emersion is not without physiological costs.
机译:绿蟹(Carcinus maenas)是一种受潮间带模式影响的近海物种,在低潮时面临沉积期,在涨潮时面临淹没期。在这些空气和随后的水暴露期间,这些物种可能面临生理挑战。我们检查了海水中 O2 消耗率 (Mo,)、氨和尿素排泄率在连续 14 小时内的变化(32 ppl,对照)、空气暴露后空气和海水回收期间(13 & DEG;C贯穿始终)。在每次暴露结束时,去除前(第5)和后(第8)鳃和肝胰腺以测量氧化应激参数(鳃和肝胰腺中的TBARS和calajase,以及鳃中的蛋白质羰基)。钼在暴露于空气中时保持不变,但在恢复期间大幅增加(比对照水平高3.4倍)。氨和尿素净通量在暴露于空气中时减少了98%,但在恢复过程中反弹至控制率的>2倍。在对照和恢复处理期间,还测量了可交换水池、扩散水交换速率常数、单向扩散水通量速率(使用氚化 waler)和跨上皮电位,但没有表现出显着变化。在两个鳃中均未观察到蛋白质损伤。然而,暴露于空气后,前鳃(呼吸道)鳃出现脂质损伤,但后鳃(离子调节)鳃或肝胰腺则不然。与前鳃和肝胰腺暴露期间的水平相比,过氧化氢酶活性在恢复过程中也显着降低,但在后鳃中没有。螃蟹没有改变水代谢或渗透性。我们得出的结论是,在空气暴露期间,Mo 得到维持但未增强,而氨和尿素-N 的排泄受损。因此,在重新浸泡恢复过程中,所有这些参数都会增加,并且还会发生氧化应激。显然,渗生并非没有生理成本。




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