首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Design and Discovery of MRTX0902, a Potent, Selective, Brain-Penetrant, and Orally Bioavailable Inhibitor of the SOS1:KRAS Protein–Protein Interaction

Design and Discovery of MRTX0902, a Potent, Selective, Brain-Penetrant, and Orally Bioavailable Inhibitor of the SOS1:KRAS Protein–Protein Interaction


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SOS1 is one of the major guanine nucleotide exchange factors that regulates the ability of KRAS to cycle through its “on” and “off” states. Disrupting the SOS1:KRASG12C protein–protein interaction (PPI) can increase the proportion of GDP-loaded KRASG12C, providing a strong mechanistic rationale for combining inhibitors of the SOS1:KRAS complex with inhibitors like MRTX849 that target GDP-loaded KRASG12C. In this report, we detail the design and discovery of MRTX0902a potent, selective, brain-penetrant, and orally bioavailable SOS1 binder that disrupts the SOS1:KRASG12C PPI. Oral administration of MRTX0902 in combination with MRTX849 results in a significant increase in antitumor activity relative to that of either single agent, including tumor regressions in a subset of animals in the MIA PaCa-2 tumor mouse xenograft model.
机译:SOS1 是主要的鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子之一,它调节 KRAS 在其“开”和“关”状态之间循环的能力。破坏 SOS1:KRASG12C 蛋白-蛋白质相互作用 (PPI) 可以增加负载 GDP 的KRASG12C的比例,为 SOS1:KRAS 复合物抑制剂与靶向 GDP 负载KRASG12C的抑制剂(如 MRTX849)相结合提供了强有力的机制依据。在这份报告中,我们详细介绍了 MRTX0902 的设计和发现,这是一种有效的、选择性的、可渗透脑的、口服生物可利用的 SOS1 结合剂,可破坏 SOS1:KRASG12C PPI。口服MRTX0902与MRTX849联合使用导致相对于任何一种药物的抗肿瘤活性显着增加,包括MIA PaCa-2肿瘤小鼠异种移植模型中动物亚群的肿瘤消退。


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