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New Orleans startup combines recycling, restoration


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Many people have backyard projects, but very few expand those projects into a 40,000-square-foot glass recycling facility and a federally funded research project. For Glass Half Full co-founder Franziska Trautmann, it all happened organically, though quickly. Trautmann and her co-founder, Max Steitz, were seniors at Tulane University in 2020. She said that over the course of their college careers, they had produced a decent amount of glass bottles, and always wished they could be recycled. However, New Orleans, like most of the state, does not have glass recycling facilities. "One night over a bottle of wine, we said, 'Hmm, why does it have to go to a landfill? Could we do something about this?'" Trautmann said. "So we decided to start what we thought would be a very small project to recycle glass in our friend group."
机译:许多人都有后院项目,但很少有人将这些项目扩展到 40,000 平方英尺的玻璃回收设施和联邦政府资助的研究项目。对于 Glass Half Full 的联合创始人 Franziska Trautmann 来说,这一切都是有机发生的,尽管速度很快。2020 年,Trautmann 和她的联合创始人 Max Steitz 是杜兰大学的大四学生。她说,在他们的大学生涯中,他们生产了相当数量的玻璃瓶,并且一直希望它们可以回收利用。然而,与该州大部分地区一样,新奥尔良没有玻璃回收设施。“有一天晚上,我们喝了一瓶酒,说,'嗯,为什么一定要去垃圾填埋场?我们能做点什么吗?特劳特曼说。“因此,我们决定在我们的朋友圈中启动一个非常小的项目,以回收玻璃。




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