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Chemical Management of Wilt Complex Disease of Chilli


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Results of studies on wilt complex disease of chilli (Capsicum annum L.) conducted to know the present status of the disease, associated causal organism and effective fungitoxicants to manage the disease, are reported . Survey conducted during August, 2017 in district Srinagar and Budgam of Kashmir (JK) revealed the prevalence of the disease in all the surveyed locations with levels of incidence ranging from 12.66 to 28.00 per cent. The pathogens associated with the disease were identified as Fusarium pallidoroseum (Cooke) Sacc. and Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. on the basis of their morphological and pathological characteristics. The most prevalent pathogen associated with the disease was F. pallidoroseum with isolation frequency of 77.08 per cent, whereas, isolation frequency ofS. rolfsii and F. pallidoroseum + S. rolfsii was 15.42 and 7.50 per cent respectively. The pathogens on artificial inoculation produced the characteristic wilt like symptoms which included yellowish discoloration of leaves followed by their shrivelling, drooping and finally death of the whole plant. Among the fungitoxicants tested under in vitro conditions, carbendazim (25) + flusilazole (12.5) 37.5 SC exhibited maximum mycelia growth inhibition of both the tested pathogenic fungi and was also effective against chilli wilt disease in pot experiment.
机译:报告了对辣椒(Capsicum annum L.)枯萎病的研究结果,以了解该病的现状,相关的病原体和有效的真菌毒物来控制该病。2017年8月在克什米尔斯利那加和布加姆地区(J&K)进行的调查显示,该病在所有被调查地点的流行率从12.66%到28.00%不等。与该病相关的病原体被鉴定为苍白镰刀菌(Cooke)Sacc。和 Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc。根据它们的形态学和病理学特征。与该病相关的最普遍病原体是梅氏镰刀菌,分离频率为77.08%,而分离频率为S。rolfsii和F. pallidoroseum + S. rolfsii分别为15.42%和7.50%。人工接种的病原体产生了典型的枯萎症状,包括叶子变黄,然后是枯萎、下垂,最后是整株植物的死亡。在体外试验的真菌毒物中,多菌灵(25%)+氟硅唑(12.5%)37.5 SC对被测病原真菌的菌丝体生长抑制作用最大,在盆栽试验中对辣椒枯萎病也有效。




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