首页> 外文期刊>Communication law and policy >Reimagining Section 230 and Content Moderation: Regulating Incivility on Anonymous Digital Platforms

Reimagining Section 230 and Content Moderation: Regulating Incivility on Anonymous Digital Platforms

机译:重新构想第 230 条和内容审核:规范匿名数字平台上的不文明行为

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This article draws from surveys about the experiences of users with Yik Yak and other anonymous social media platforms to consider how digital intermediaries encourage civility and minimize hateful speech in their communities-given the protections from liability that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) affords them. It then turns to debates over Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act by congressional and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) leadership from 2017 and 2021. In so doing, it considers how hoped-for changes from both the Republican and Democratic parties may conflict with the First Amendment in their proposals to reform Section 230. The article argues that human content moderation is particularly important to maintain as part of the regulatory process on digital platforms given (1) the disconnected discourse emanating from the left and the right about what kind of online expression is problematic, and (2) the parallel disconnected discourse among users of anonymous platforms where online expression wields the least amount of individual accountability.
机译:本文借鉴了对 Yik Yak 和其他匿名社交媒体平台用户体验的调查,以考虑数字中介机构如何鼓励文明并最大限度地减少社区中的仇恨言论——鉴于《通信规范法》(CDA) 第 230 条为他们提供的责任保护。然后,它转向国会和联邦通信委员会 (FCC) 领导层从 2017 年到 2021 年对《通信规范法》第 230 条的辩论。在这样做时,它考虑了共和党和民主党在改革第230条的提案中所希望的改变如何与第一修正案发生冲突。文章认为,作为数字平台监管过程的一部分,人类内容审核尤为重要,因为(1)左翼和右翼关于什么样的在线表达有问题的脱节话语,以及(2)匿名平台用户之间平行的脱节话语,其中在线表达的个人责任最少。




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