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Balancing minerals during pregnancy to boost lambing success


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Paying closer attention to mineral nutrition is essential for ewes, especially in the latter stages of pregnancy and immediately post lambing, according to Isabelle England of Trouw Nutrition.“The foundations of profitable lamb production are established in late pregnancy and immediately post lambing. Feeding at this time influences ewe health and milk production, lamb survival, lamb thrift and growth rates,” she says.With grass continuing to grow reasonably well into the winter months across much of the UK, sheep producers may be looking to exploit grass growth and trim back supplementary feeds. Ms England emphasises that diets based on forage alone can be deficientin essential minerals, therefore mineral supplementation may be required to allow ewes to perform to full potential. This can come in a variety of forms, from free access minerals to mineral premixes included in compound feed.
机译:Trouw Nutrition 的 Isabelle England 表示,密切关注矿物质营养对母羊至关重要,尤其是在怀孕后期和产羔后立即。有利可图的羔羊生产的基础是在怀孕后期和产羔后立即建立的。此时的喂养会影响母羊的健康和产奶量、羔羊存活率、羔羊节俭和生长速度,“她说。随着英国大部分地区的草在冬季继续生长得相当好,绵羊生产者可能正在寻求利用草的生长并减少补充饲料。英格兰女士强调,仅以草料为基础的日粮可能缺乏必需矿物质,因此可能需要补充矿物质才能使母羊充分发挥潜力。它可以有多种形式,从自由获取的矿物质到复合饲料中包含的矿物预混料。




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