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Claudins and the kidney


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Claudins are tight junction membrane proteins that regulate paracellular permeability of renal epithelia to small ions, solutes, and water. Claudins interact within the cell membrane and between neighboring cells to form tight junction strands and constitute both the paracellular barrier and the pore. The first extracellular domain of claudins is thought to be the pore-lining domain and contains the determinants of charge selectivity. Multiple claudins are expressed in different nephron segments; such differential expression likely determines the permeability properties of each segment. Recent evidence has identified claudin-2 as constituting the cation-reabsorptive pathway in the proximal tubule; claudin-14,-16, and-19 as forming a complex that regulates calcium transport in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle; and claudin-4,-7, and-8 as determinants of collecting duct chloride permeability. Mutations in claudin-16 and-19 cause familial hypercalciuric hypomagnesemia with nephrocalcinosis. The roles of other claudins in kidney diseases remain to be fully elucidated.
机译:claudins是紧密连接的膜蛋白,调节肾上皮对小离子,溶质和水的细胞通透性。 claudins在细胞膜内和相邻细胞之间相互作用,形成紧密的连接链,并构成细胞旁屏障和孔。 claudins的第一个细胞外结构域被认为是孔衬结构域,并且包含电荷选择性的决定因素。多个claudin在不同的肾单位段中表达;这种差异表达可能决定每个片段的渗透性。最近的证据表明claudin-2构成近端小管中的阳离子吸收途径。 claudin-14,-16和19形成复合物,可调节Henle环上较厚的上升肢体中钙的运输;和claudin-4,-7和-8是收集导管氯化物渗透性的决定因素。 claudin-16和19的突变会导致家族性高钙血症性低镁血症并伴有肾钙化。其他claudins在肾脏疾病中的作用仍有待充分阐明。



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