首页> 外文期刊>Cluster computing >Fusion of deep learning based cyberattack detection and classification model for intelligent systems

Fusion of deep learning based cyberattack detection and classification model for intelligent systems

机译:Fusion of deep learning based cyberattack detection and classification model for intelligent systems

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In recent years, the exponential growth of malware has posed a significant security threat to intelligent systems. Earlier static and dynamic analysis methods fail to achieve effective recognition rate and incurs high computational complexity. The recently developed machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models can be employed to detect and classify cyberattacks and Malware efficiently. This paper presents a fusion of deep learning based cyberattack detection and classification model for intelligent systems named FDL-CADIS technique. The proposed FDL-CADIS technique transforms the Malware binary files into two-dimensional images, which are then classified by the fusion model. The FDL-CADIS technique employs the binary input images into the MobileNetv2 model for the extraction of features and the hyper parameter tuning process takes place utilizing the black widow optimization technique. The MobileNetv2 model derives all features from the Malware dataset and trains the model using the derived features. Finally, an ensemble of voting based classifiers, including gated recurrent unit and long short-term memory techniques, for Malware cyberattack detection and classification was developed. A comprehensive range of experimental analysis is performed against the benchmark dataset to demonstrate the FDL-CADIS technique's promising performance. According to the comparative analysis of the results, the FDL-CADIS technique outperformed current approaches.




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