首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Problems in Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications >Analysis of Three-Dimensional Vibration Characteristics of Single-Circle Double-Track Subway Tunnel under Moving Load

Analysis of Three-Dimensional Vibration Characteristics of Single-Circle Double-Track Subway Tunnel under Moving Load


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With the development of urban rail transit, subway lines are becoming more and more denser, the departure time interval is short, and the probability of subway trains meeting is high. The impact of vibration caused by double-line subway meeting on the surrounding environment cannot be ignored. Taking the typical cross-section of a single-circle double-track subway tunnel as an example, a single running scenario and three typical meeting scenarios, namely, 4 s meeting, 6 s meeting, and 8 s meeting scenarios were considered, and a track-tunnel-foundation three-dimensional ABAQUS finite element model was established. The dynamic response of monitoring points at different distances between the center of the track bed and the center line of the track was analyzed. Results showed that due to the consistent load action period, the center acceleration of the track bed increases significantly during the meeting, the main frequency of vibration and the peak value of the 1/3 octave spectrum were increased by about 5 Hz, and the vibration level at the dominant frequency was increased by about 7 dB. The center displacement of the track bed and the peak compressive strain increased significantly under the 4 s meeting and 6 s meeting working scenarios; while the 8 s meeting and 4 s single running scenarios were basically the same, only the action time was doubled. The dynamic response of the 4 working scenarios decreases with the increase of distance, and the attenuation rate gradually decreases and has gradually stabilized within 15-19 m above the vault.
机译:随着城市轨道交通的发展,地铁线路越来越密集,发车时间间隔短,地铁列车相遇的概率很高。双线地铁相遇引起的振动对周围环境的影响不容忽视。以某单圆双轨地铁隧道典型截面为例,考虑单次运行场景和3个典型会议场景,即4s会议、6s会议和8s会议场景,建立了轨道-隧道-地基三维ABAQUS有限元模型。分析了道床中心与轨道中心线不同距离监测点的动力响应。结果表明:由于荷载作用周期一致,会合期间轨床中心加速度显著增加,振动主频和1/3倍频程峰值增加约5 Hz,主频振动水平增加约7 dB;在4 s和6 s会议工况下,道床中心位移和峰值压应变显著增加;虽然 8 S 会议和 4 S 单次运行场景基本相同,但只是动作时间增加了一倍。4种工况的动态响应随距离的增加而减小,衰减率逐渐减小,并在拱顶上方15-19 m范围内逐渐稳定。




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