首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Ichthyoliths of the Corumbatai Formation: new occurrences and interpretations for Sao Paulo state, Brazil (northeastern Parana basin)

Ichthyoliths of the Corumbatai Formation: new occurrences and interpretations for Sao Paulo state, Brazil (northeastern Parana basin)

机译:Corumbatai 组的鱼石:巴西圣保罗州(巴拉那盆地东北部)的新发现和解释

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The Permian ichthyofauna of the Passa Dois Group is well known for the ubiquitous presence of disarticulated elements of a variety of fish taxa that remains largely understudied. Lower actinopterygians (Palaeonisciformes) are the most abundant, together with isolated teeth of Xenacanthiformes chondrichthians. This study brings new information on the external micro-ornamentations of actinopterygian teeth and rhomboid scales of the Corumbatai Formation collected for the first time in Santa Rosa de Viterbo region in the State of Sao Paulo, as well as a new proposition to approach this remains by using cluster analysis. These fossils were found in distal storm deposits (tempestite) and were separated from the rock matrix for analysis. Six distinct actinopterygian tooth morphotypes were identified. Curved forms are dominant in the assemblage, with ornamentations varying from smooth to ribbed shafts and others with grooves and tubercles. The scales are very fragmented showing surface micro-punctuations and longitudinal ridges. The Xenacanthiformes tricuspid teeth were very scarce in the assemblage and no complete specimen was recovered. Nonetheless, it was possible to identify them by their subtriangular shape and drop-shaped basal tubercle. Both ichthyodonts and scales show characteristics similar to at least other 26 occurrences, spread over more than 1000 km, and already described in the literature strati -graphically positioned above and below the Corumbatai Formation, attesting the wide temporal and spatial distribution of these fossils.
机译:Passa Dois组的二叠纪鱼鳞鱼群以无处不在的各种鱼类分类群的分离元素而闻名,这些元素在很大程度上仍未得到充分研究。低等放线虫(Palaeonisciformes)是最丰富的,还有Xenacanthiformes chondrichthians的孤立牙齿。本研究为首次在圣保罗州圣罗莎德维泰博地区采集的科伦巴泰组放线鸟牙齿和菱形鳞片的外部微观装饰提供了新的信息,并提出了利用聚类分析来研究这一遗迹的新命题。这些化石是在远端风暴沉积物(暴风石)中发现的,并与岩石基质分离进行分析。鉴定出六种不同的放线动物牙齿形态。弯曲的形式在组合中占主导地位,装饰从光滑到带肋的轴,以及其他带有凹槽和结节的装饰。鳞片非常零碎,显示出表面微标点和纵脊。Xenacanthiformes三尖瓣牙齿在组合中非常稀少,没有发现完整的标本。尽管如此,还是可以通过它们的亚三角形和水滴形基底结节来识别它们。鱼齿动物和鳞片都显示出与至少其他26个地点相似的特征,分布在1000多公里的范围内,并且已经在文献中描述过 - 在Corumbatai组的上方和下方以图形方式定位,证明了这些化石在时间和空间上的广泛分布。




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