首页> 外文期刊>Computational intelligence and neuroscience >Multiclass Convolution Neural Network for Classification of COVID-19 CT Images

Multiclass Convolution Neural Network for Classification of COVID-19 CT Images

机译:用于 COVID-19 CT 图像分类的多类卷积神经网络

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In the late December of 2019, a novel coronavirus was discovered in Wuhan, China. In March 2020, WHO announced this epidemic had become a global pandemic and that the novel coronavirus may be mild to most people. However, some people may experience a severe illness that results in hospitalization or maybe death. COVID-19 classification remains challenging due to the ambiguity and similarity with other known respiratory diseases such as SARS, MERS, and other viral pneumonia. The typical symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, chills, shortness of breath, loss of smell and taste, headache, sore throat, chest pains, confusion, and diarrhoea. This research paper suggests the concept of transfer learning using the deterministic algorithm in all binary classification models and evaluates the performance of various CNN architectures. The datasets of 746 CT images of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 were divided for training, validation, and testing. Various augmentation techniques were applied to increase the number of datasets except for testing images. The images were then pretrained using CNN to obtain a binary class. ResNeXt101 and ResNet152 have the best F1 score of 0.978 and 0.938, whereas GoogleNethas an F1 score of 0.762. ResNeXt101 and ResNet152 have an accuracy of 97.81 and 93.80. ResNeXt101, DenseNet201, and ResNet152 have 95.71, 93.81, and 90 sensitivity, whereas ResNeXt101, ResNet101, and ResNet152 have 100, 99.58, and 98.33 specificity, respectively.
机译:2019年12月下旬,在中国武汉发现了一种新型冠状病毒。2020年3月,世卫组织宣布这种流行病已成为全球大流行,新型冠状病毒对大多数人来说可能是温和的。然而,有些人可能会经历严重的疾病,导致住院或死亡。由于与其他已知呼吸道疾病(如SARS、MERS和其他病毒性肺炎)的模糊性和相似性,COVID-19分类仍然具有挑战性。COVID-19 的典型症状是发烧、咳嗽、发冷、呼吸急促、嗅觉和味觉丧失、头痛、喉咙痛、胸痛、意识模糊和腹泻。本研究论文提出了在所有二元分类模型中使用确定性算法的迁移学习的概念,并评估了各种CNN架构的性能。对 COVID-19 和非 COVID-19 的 746 张 CT 图像数据集进行划分,用于训练、验证和测试。除了测试图像外,还应用了各种增强技术来增加数据集的数量。然后使用 CNN 对图像进行预训练以获得二进制类。ResNeXt101 和 ResNet152 的最佳 F1 得分为 0.978 和 0.938,而 GoogleNet 的 F1 得分为 0.762。ResNeXt101 和 ResNet152 的准确率分别为 97.81% 和 93.80%。ResNeXt101、DenseNet201 和 ResNet152 的灵敏度分别为 95.71%、93.81% 和 90%,而 ResNeXt101、ResNet101 和 ResNet152 的特异性分别为 100%、99.58% 和 98.33。




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