
Josephine Valencia


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JOSEPHINE VALENCIA LIKES to say she's been 'talking trash' for more than 25 years across four states. In 2010, she accepted an offer to become the San Antonio Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) assistant director. The Texas city provides weekly automated collection to 370,000 residential homes for garbage (brown cart), recycling (blue cart), and green cart (combined food scraps and yard waste). The department also handles fleet operations, closed landfill maintenance, and homeless camp abatements. In 2021, Valencia was promoted to Deputy Director, transitioning from operations to a more administrative function, overseeing a $160 million budget, contract compliance, warehouse operations, safety, and marketing-the latter of which she says is a perfect fit for her creative side. Valencia says when she is not 'talking trash', she likes to draw-mostly around environmental themes. "Consumer education-especially about recycling-is what most of us think about marketing when it comes to solid waste," says Valencia, adding SWMD's marketing efforts transcend educating people on proper recycling to driver recruitment through a multi-faceted campaign of radio, job fairs, digital, and movie theater advertising. SWMD hired 73 drivers in the past year and is on track to meet its zero-vacancy goal. With about 39 percent of the San Antonio population speaking Spanish, SWMD translates all written communication into Spanish and Valencia reviews all the translations. "If your translator uses 'coleccion' for garbage collection, then you need to a hire a new translator," Valencia notes. "In Spanish, you can have a 'coleccion' of stamps and other objects. But the physical act of collecting is translated as 'recolec-cion' or (less common) 'la recojida'. Another warning sign for bad translations is when you see days of the week capitalized-you don't do that in Spanish." Valencia also deals with the SWMD's Safety Management System. Those in the industry know the general public doesn't always appreciate the inherent danger of garbage collection, notes Valencia.
机译:约瑟芬·瓦伦西亚(JOSEPHINE VALENCIA)喜欢说她已经在四个州“说垃圾话”超过25年了。2010 年,她接受了成为圣安东尼奥固体废物管理部 (SWMD) 助理主任的邀请。德克萨斯州每周向 370,000 个住宅提供垃圾(棕色推车)、回收(蓝色推车)和绿色推车(食物残渣和庭院垃圾)的自动收集。该部门还负责车队运营、封闭式垃圾填埋场维护和无家可归者营地减排。2021 年,瓦伦西亚晋升为副总监,从运营过渡到更多的行政职能,负责监督 1.6 亿美元的预算、合同合规、仓库运营、安全和营销——她说后者非常适合她的创意方面。瓦伦西亚说,当她不“说垃圾话”时,她喜欢画画——主要是围绕环境主题。“当涉及到固体废物时,消费者教育——尤其是关于回收的教育——是我们大多数人对营销的看法,”瓦伦西亚说,并补充说,SWMD的营销工作超越了对人们进行正确回收的教育,而是通过广播、招聘会、数字和电影院广告等多方面的活动来招聘司机。SWMD在过去一年中雇用了73名司机,并有望实现其零空缺目标。圣安东尼奥约有 39% 的人口说西班牙语,SWMD 将所有书面交流翻译成西班牙语,瓦伦西亚审查所有翻译。“如果你的译员使用'coleccion'进行垃圾收集,那么你需要聘请一个新的译员,”瓦伦西亚指出。“在西班牙语中,你可以有一个邮票和其他物品的'coleccion'。但收集的物理行为被翻译为“recolec-cion”或(不太常见的)“la recojida”。糟糕翻译的另一个警告信号是,当你看到一周中的几天大写时,你不会用西班牙语这样做。瓦伦西亚还负责SWMD的安全管理系统。瓦伦西亚指出,业内人士知道,公众并不总是意识到垃圾收集的固有危险。




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