首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >How has COVID-19 changed private car use in European urban areas? An analysis of the effect of socio-economic characteristics and mobility habits

How has COVID-19 changed private car use in European urban areas? An analysis of the effect of socio-economic characteristics and mobility habits

机译:COVID-19 如何改变欧洲城市地区的私家车使用?社会经济特征和出行习惯的影响分析

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The private car has been identified as the main winner among transport modes in urban areas during the COVID-19 pandemic. The fear of contagion when using public transport or the decrease in road congestion are likely to have induced changes in citizens' travel habits with respect to cars. This work investigates the impact of the pandemic on individuals' habits and preferences regarding their car ownership levels and car usage in the European urban context, with a special focus on the role played by individual socio-demographics and urban mobility patterns. For this purpose, a Path Analysis approach has been adopted to model car ownership and use before and after COVID-19. The main data source employed in this research is an EU-Wide Urban Mobility Survey that collects detailed information (individual and household socio-economic characteristics, built environment attributes and mobility habits) of 10,152 individuals from a total of 21 European urban areas of different sizes, geographical locations, and urban forms. The survey data has been complemented with city-level variables that account for differences across the cities that may explain changes in car-related behaviour. The results show that the pandemic has induced an increase in car use among socio-economic groups that are generally associated with low car-dependent behaviour, revealing that policy instruments that discourage the use of the private car in urban areas are needed to avoid reversing past trends in the reduction of urban transport emissions. High-income, well-educated teleworkers are observed to be the ones that have reduced their car use to a larger extent. On the contrary, low-income individuals are mostly maintaining similar levels of car mobility. Finally, frequent public transport users are more likely than occasional users to have substituted this mode by the private car.
机译:在 COVID-19 大流行期间,私家车已被确定为城市地区交通方式的主要赢家。使用公共交通工具时对传染的恐惧或道路拥堵的减少可能导致公民对汽车的出行习惯发生变化。这项工作调查了大流行对欧洲城市背景下个人对汽车拥有水平和汽车使用习惯和偏好的影响,特别关注个人社会人口统计学和城市交通模式所起的作用。为此,我们采用了路径分析方法来模拟 COVID-19 之前和之后的汽车所有权和使用情况。本研究采用的主要数据来源是欧盟范围内的城市交通调查,该调查收集了来自总共 21 个不同规模、地理位置和城市形态的欧洲城市地区的 10,152 个人的详细信息(个人和家庭社会经济特征、建筑环境属性和出行习惯)。调查数据得到了城市层面变量的补充,这些变量解释了城市之间的差异,这些差异可以解释与汽车相关的行为的变化。结果显示,大流行导致社会经济群体的汽车使用量增加,这些群体通常与低汽车依赖行为有关,这表明需要不鼓励在城市地区使用私家车的政策工具,以避免扭转过去减少城市交通排放的趋势。据观察,高收入、受过良好教育的远程工作者在更大程度上减少了汽车的使用。相反,低收入人群大多保持着相似的汽车流动性水平。最后,经常乘坐公共交通工具的人比偶尔使用的人更有可能用私家车代替这种模式。




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