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Analysis of shoreline change between inlets along the coast of Chennai, India


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Chennai is a major metropolitan city along the southeast coast of India and is popular for its world's second longest sandy beach called as Marina beach the shoreline of which has been gradually advancing towards the Bay of Bengal over a century. The advance of the shoreline is due to the construction of breakwaters for the formation of the harbor of Chennai port, one of the 12 major ports of India. The study area is the stretch of the shoreline between two zones, viz., Zone I: Cooum (13° 4' N and 80° 17' 20" E) and Zone II: Adyar (13° 0' 49" N and 80° 16' 38" E). The rate of shoreline change over the period 2000 to 2019 is analysed through statistical parameters using geographical information system and DSAS (digital shoreline analysis system) in the form of erosion and accretion. The LRR results elucidate that the Chennai coast has experienced an extremely dynamic feature with an average erosion rate of - 1.67m/year. The accretion due to the littoral drift with an average rate of +1.31 m/year is driven by the net alongshore current towards the north of the Adyar River.
机译:钦奈是印度东南沿海的一个主要大都市,因其世界第二长的沙滩而广受欢迎,被称为滨海海滩,其海岸线在一个多世纪以来一直逐渐向孟加拉湾推进。海岸线的推进是由于为印度 12 个主要港口之一的钦奈港的港口建造防波堤的建设。研究区是两个区域之间的海岸线,即I区:库姆(北纬13°4',东经80°17'20“)和II区:阿迪亚尔(北纬13°0'49”和东经80°16'38“)。2000年至2019年期间的海岸线变化率是利用地理信息系统和DSAS(数字海岸线分析系统)以侵蚀和增殖的形式通过统计参数进行分析的。LRR结果表明,钦奈海岸经历了一个极其动态的特征,平均侵蚀率为-1.67m/年。平均速率为+1.31 m/年,沿海漂移导致的增殖是由向阿迪亚尔河以北的净岸流驱动的。




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