
An integral part of life


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I have come to the realisation that there is probably no wider scope for innovation and for people to use their talents, than in the dairy industry. The overall supply chain covers the entire spectrum of human endeavours, from animal husbandry to packaging and labelling, and everything in between. Dairy and food production is such an integral part of what we do as people. We eat every day, and dairy provides ample nutrition at a lower cost. In this issue, we pay a visit to Anuga FoodTec, in advance of the exhibition and conference being held in April in Cologne, Germany. Sometimes it's hard to tell people outside the industry how large some of these exhibitions are, as they contain halls of everything from conveyors to labellers and mixers. The energy required to process food and to do it safely is enormous and the product of many years of experimentation. Often, people outside the industry don't have an idea of how much effort goes into every yogurt pot that sits on the shelf, awaiting purchase. See our report on page 16.
机译:我开始意识到,可能没有比乳制品行业更广阔的创新空间和人们发挥才能的空间了。整个供应链涵盖了人类活动的整个范围,从畜牧业到包装和标签,以及介于两者之间的一切。乳制品和食品生产是我们作为人所做工作不可或缺的一部分。我们每天都在吃东西,乳制品以较低的成本提供充足的营养。在本期中,我们参观了Anuga FoodTec,这是在4月份在德国科隆举行的展览和会议之前。有时很难告诉行业外的人这些展览有多大,因为它们包含从输送机到贴标机和搅拌机的各种展厅。加工食品并安全地加工食品所需的能量是巨大的,并且是多年实验的产物。通常,行业外的人不知道货架上等待购买的每个酸奶罐都付出了多少努力。请参阅我们第 16 页的报告。




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