首页> 外文期刊>European journal of ophthalmology >Pre-operative conjunctival flora in patients with local and/or systemic risk factors for post cataract surgery infection in Northern Italy

Pre-operative conjunctival flora in patients with local and/or systemic risk factors for post cataract surgery infection in Northern Italy


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Purpose: To investigate the pre-operative conjunctival flora in patients undergoing cataract surgery with major local and/or systemic risk factors for developing post-operative infection. Methods: A total of 83 patients underwent bacterial culture and sensitivity testing of conjunctival swabs obtained from both eyes because of local risk factors at the pre-operative visit (i.e. chronic blepharitis, conjunctivitis, or lacrimal system disease), and/or systemic risk factors (i.e. autoimmune or skin disorders) for developing post-operative infection. If the swab was found positive, an antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed, and a specific antibiotic therapy was administered. Surgery was performed when a repeat conjunctival swab (after antibiotic treatment) showed negative cultures. Results: Cultures were found positive in 25.3 of patients.Staphylococcus aureus(18) andStaphylococcus epidermidis(15) were the most frequently isolated microorganisms. Gram-negative bacteria, includingPseudomonas aeruginosa, were present in nine cases (8). Conclusion: Present results showed a low rate of swab positivity compared to previous published data, and slightly different microbial flora. The differences observed may be caused by geographical factors and/or to the specific characteristics of the subgroup of studied patients. Considering that the surface microbial flora is one of the major causes of endophthalmitis, this information may be useful in selecting antibacterial regimens to prevent serious ocular infections, and restrain the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance.
机译:目的:探讨白内障手术患者术前结膜菌群的现状,并有发生术后感染的主要局部和/或全身危险因素。方法:对83例患者进行细菌培养,对双眼结膜拭子进行药敏试验,原因是术前访视时存在局部危险因素(即慢性睑缘炎、结膜炎或泪道系统疾病)和/或全身危险因素(即自身免疫性或皮肤病)发生术后感染。如果发现拭子呈阳性,则进行抗菌药物敏感性试验,并给予特异性抗生素治疗。当重复结膜拭子(抗生素治疗后)显示培养阴性时,进行手术。结果:25.3% 的患者培养结果呈阳性。金黄色葡萄球菌(18%)和表皮葡萄球菌(15%)是最常分离的微生物。革兰氏阴性菌,包括铜绿假单胞菌,见于9例(8%)。结论:与先前发表的数据相比,目前的结果表明拭子阳性率较低,微生物菌群略有不同。观察到的差异可能是由地理因素和/或研究患者亚组的特定特征引起的。考虑到表面微生物菌群是眼内炎的主要原因之一,这些信息可能有助于选择抗菌方案,以预防严重的眼部感染,并抑制日益严重的抗生素耐药性问题。




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