首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Impact of mining-induced deforestation on soil surface temperature and carbon stocks: A case study using remote sensing in the Amazon rainforest

Impact of mining-induced deforestation on soil surface temperature and carbon stocks: A case study using remote sensing in the Amazon rainforest


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The Amazon rainforest is one of the most important ecosystems on the planet; however, the environmental pressure created by anthropic activities require monitoring of this critical biome. In this study, we assessed the evolution of deforestation in an open mine pit and its impact on surface environment (i.e., temperature and carbon stocks) using remote sensing techniques. The study was carried out on an area of 11,283.3 ha in the municipality of Maraba, Para State, Brazil, where the "Salobo " copper mine is located. A temporal analysis was conducted, using Landsat satellite images (2005-2020). Subsequently, the Land Surface Temperature (LST) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of the deforested area were determined. Mining-induced deforestation has expanded from 0.9 ha in 2005 to 2214 ha in 2020 with an increase in surface temperature of 10 ? in the period. The temperature difference between the pit and the adjacent forest ranged from 30 to 40 ? over the 15 years, while the temperature at the forest edges rose by 4 ?. The correlation coefficient between exposed soil temperatures and mining deforestation was 0.66. CO2 emissions, increasing from 0.005 Tg CO2 in 2005 to 1.82 Tg CO2 in 2020 due to mining deforestation. The findings demonstrate the significant environmental impact of deforestation, which may also have an influence on local climate. The results can provide scientific support for public policies aimed at mitigating the issue.
机译:亚马逊雨林是地球上最重要的生态系统之一;然而,人类活动造成的环境压力需要对这一关键生物群落进行监测。本研究利用遥感技术评估了露天矿坑森林砍伐的演变及其对地表环境(即温度和碳储量)的影响。该研究是在巴西帕拉州马拉巴市的11,283.3公顷土地上进行的,“Salobo”铜矿就位于该市。使用 Landsat 卫星图像(2005-2020 年)进行了时间分析。随后,测定了森林砍伐区的地表温度(LST)和归一化植被指数(NDVI)。采矿引起的森林砍伐面积从 2005 年的 0.9 公顷扩大到 2020 年的 2214 公顷,地表温度增加了 10 公顷。在此期间。坑与邻近森林之间的温差在30至40°C之间。在15年中,森林边缘的温度上升了4?。暴露土壤温度与采矿毁林的相关系数为0.66。由于采矿森林砍伐,二氧化碳排放量从 2005 年的 0.005 Tg CO2 增加到 2020 年的 1.82 Tg CO2。研究结果表明,森林砍伐对环境有重大影响,也可能对当地气候产生影响。研究结果可为旨在缓解该问题的公共政策提供科学支持。




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