首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Mechanism-Based Insights into Removing the Mutagenicity of Aromatic Amines by Small Structural Alterations

Mechanism-Based Insights into Removing the Mutagenicity of Aromatic Amines by Small Structural Alterations


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Aromatic and heteroaromatic amines (ArNH2) are activated by cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, primarily CYP1A2, into reactive N-arylhydroxylamines that can lead to covalent adducts with DNA nucleobases. Hereby, we give hands-on mechanism-based guidelines to design mutagenicity-free ArNH2. The mechanism of N-hydroxylation of ArNH2 by CYP1A2 is investigated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Two putative pathways are considered, the radicaloid route that goes via the classical ferryl-oxo oxidant and an alternative anionic pathway through Fenton-like oxidation by ferriheme-bound H2O2. Results suggest that bioactivation of ArNH2 follows the anionic pathway. We demonstrate that H-bonding and/or geometric fit of ArNH2 to CYP1A2 as well as feasibility of both proton abstraction by the ferriheme-peroxo base and heterolytic cleavage of arylhydroxylamines render molecules mutagenic. Mutagenicity of ArNH2 can be removed by structural alterations that disrupt geometric and/or electrostatic fit to CYP1A2, decrease the acidity of the NH2 group, destabilize arylnitrenium ions, or disrupt their pre-covalent transition states with guanine.
机译:芳香胺和杂芳香胺 (ArNH2) 被细胞色素 P450 单加氧酶(主要是 CYP1A2)激活为反应性 N-芳基羟胺,可导致与 DNA 核碱基共价加合物。因此,我们给出了基于实践机制的指南,以设计无致突变性的 ArNH2。通过密度泛函理论(DFT)计算研究了CYP1A2对ArNH2的N-羟基化机理.考虑了两种假定的途径,一种是通过经典的 ferryl-oxo 氧化剂的类自由基途径,另一种是通过铁血红素结合的 H2O2 的 Fenton 样氧化的阴离子途径。结果表明,ArNH2的生物活化遵循阴离子途径。我们证明了 ArNH2 与 CYP1A2 的氢键和/或几何拟合,以及铁血红素-过氧碱基质子提取和芳基羟胺异质裂解的可行性使分子具有诱变性。ArNH2 的致突变性可以通过破坏 CYP1A2 的几何和/或静电拟合、降低 NH2 基团的酸度、破坏芳基氮离子的稳定性或破坏其与鸟嘌呤的共价前过渡态的结构改变来去除。




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