首页> 外文期刊>Global change biology >Large old trees increase growth under shifting climatic constraints: Aligning tree longevity and individual growth dynamics in primary mountain spruce forests

Large old trees increase growth under shifting climatic constraints: Aligning tree longevity and individual growth dynamics in primary mountain spruce forests


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Abstract In a world of accelerating changes in environmental conditions driving tree growth, tradeoffs between tree growth rate and longevity could curtail the abundance of large old trees (LOTs), with potentially dire consequences for biodiversity and carbon storage. However, the influence of tree‐level tradeoffs on forest structure at landscape scales will also depend on disturbances, which shape tree size and age distribution, and on whether LOTs can benefit from improved growing conditions due to climate warming. We analyzed temporal and spatial variation in radial growth patterns from ~5000 Norway spruce (Picea abies L. H. Karst) live and dead trees from the Western Carpathian primary spruce forest stands. We applied mixed‐linear modeling to quantify the importance of LOT growth histories and stand dynamics (i.e., competition and disturbance factors) on lifespan. Finally, we assessed regional synchronization in radial growth variability over the 20th century, and modeled the effects of stand dynamics and climate on LOTs recent growth trends. Tree age varied considerably among forest stands, implying an important role of disturbance as an age constraint. Slow juvenile growth and longer period of suppressed growth prolonged tree lifespan, while increasing disturbance severity and shorter time since last disturbance decreased it. The highest age was not achieved only by trees with continuous slow growth, but those with slow juvenile growth followed by subsequent growth releases. Growth trend analysis demonstrated an increase in absolute growth rates in response to climate warming, with late summer temperatures driving the recent growth trend. Contrary to our expectation that LOTs would eventually exhibit declining growth rates, the oldest LOTs (>400 years) continuously increase growth throughout their lives, indicating a high phenotypic plasticity of LOTs for increasing biomass, and a strong carbon sink role of primary spruce forests under rising temperatures, intensifying droughts, and increasing bark beetle outbreaks.
机译:摘要 在环境条件加速变化推动树木生长的世界中,树木生长速度和寿命之间的权衡可能会减少大型古树(LOT)的丰度,从而对生物多样性和碳储存产生潜在的可怕后果。然而,在景观尺度上,树木水平权衡对森林结构的影响也将取决于影响树木大小和年龄分布的干扰,以及LOTs是否能从气候变暖导致的生长条件改善中受益。我们分析了来自西喀尔巴阡原生云杉林分的~5000棵挪威云杉(Picea abies [L.] H. Karst)活树和死树的径向生长模式的时空变化。我们应用混合线性建模来量化LOT生长历史和林分动态(即竞争和干扰因素)对寿命的重要性。最后,我们评估了20世纪径向生长变异的区域同步性,并模拟了林分动态和气候对LOTs近期生长趋势的影响。林分的树龄差异很大,这意味着干扰作为年龄限制的重要作用。幼年生长缓慢,生长抑制时间延长,延长了树木的寿命,而干扰严重程度的增加和自上次干扰以来的较短时间缩短了树木的寿命。最高年龄的不仅是持续缓慢生长的树木,还有那些幼年生长缓慢的树木,随后的生长释放。增长趋势分析显示,由于气候变暖,绝对增长率有所提高,夏末的气温推动了最近的增长趋势。与我们预期的LOTs最终会表现出下降的生长速度相反,最古老的LOTs(>400年)在其一生中不断增加生长,表明LOTs在增加生物量方面具有很高的表型可塑性,并且在温度升高、干旱加剧和树皮甲虫爆发增加的情况下,原始云杉林具有很强的碳汇作用。




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