首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Optical Materials >A Generative Meta-Atom Model for Metasurface-Based Absorber Designs

A Generative Meta-Atom Model for Metasurface-Based Absorber Designs


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Metasurfaces (MS) are widely accepted in the devices, such as absorbers, toimprove their performances. MS provide new design freedoms, however, theyalso result in complexity in designs because of the high-dimensional topologicalspace of meta-atoms, and high computational costs in the optimizationprocedure. To alleviate this challenge, a generative meta-atom model thatgenerates the pattern and corresponding electromagnetic (EM) responses ofmeta-atoms, specialized for absorbing applications is developed. The modelis established by the convolutional variational autoencoder (CVAE), and adeep neural network (DNN). The model is verified by designing differenttypes of absorbers with the evolutionary algorithm, and an ultrabroadbandlower profile absorber at low microwave frequencies is achieved. The realizedmetasurface-based absorber (MSA) covers the frequency range from 1.4to 18 GHz at the criteria of return loss (RL) ?10 dB with a thickness of 8 mm,which is validated by experiments. This work provides an effective and highlyefficient way to design high-performance MSA, which can be easily extendedto other metasurface-based functional devices.
机译:超表面 (MS) 在设备(例如吸收器)中被广泛接受,以提高其性能。MS提供了新的设计自由度,但是,由于元原子的高维拓扑空间和优化过程中的高计算成本,它们也导致了设计的复杂性。为了缓解这一挑战,开发了一种生成式元原子模型,该模型专门用于吸收应用,该模型可生成元原子的模式和相应的电磁(EM)响应。该模型由卷积变分自编码器 (CVAE) 和深度神经网络 (DNN) 建立。利用进化算法设计不同类型的吸波体,验证了模型的正确性,实现了低微波频率下的超宽带低剖面吸波体。该超表面吸波体(MSA)覆盖了1.4-18 GHz的频率范围,回波损耗(RL)为−10 dB,厚度为8 mm,实验验证了这一点。这项工作为设计高性能MSA提供了一种有效且高效的方法,可以很容易地扩展到其他基于超表面的功能器件。




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