首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physical oceanography >Turbulent Thermal-Wind-Driven Coastal Upwelling: Current Observations and Dynamics

Turbulent Thermal-Wind-Driven Coastal Upwelling: Current Observations and Dynamics


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A remarkably consistent Lagrangian upwelling circulation at monthly and longer time scales is observed in a 17-yr time series of current profiles in 12 m of water on the southern New England inner shelf. The upwelling circulation is strongest in summer, with a current magnitude of similar to 1 cms(-1), which flushes the inner shelf in similar to 2.5 days. The average winter upwelling circulation is about one-half of the average summer upwelling circulation, but with larger month-to-month variations driven, in part, by cross-shelf wind stresses. The persistent upwelling circulation is not wind-driven; it is driven by a cross-shelf buoyancy force associated with less-dense water near the coast. The cross-shelf density gradient is primarily due to temperature in summer, when strong surface heating warms shallower nearshore water more than deeper offshore water, and to salinity in winter, caused by fresher water near the coast. In the absence of turbulent stresses, the cross-shelf density gradient would be in a geostrophic, thermal-wind balance with the vertical shear in the along-shelf current. However, turbulent stresses over the inner shelf attributable to strong tidal currents and wind stress cause a partial breakdown of the thermal-wind balance that releases the buoyancy force, which drives the observed upwelling circulation. The presence of a cross-shelf density gradient has a profound impact on exchange across this inner shelf. Many inner shelves are characterized by turbulent stresses and cross-shelf density gradients with lighter water near the coast, suggesting turbulent thermal-wind-driven coastal upwelling may be a broadly important cross-shelf exchange mechanism. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: A remarkably consistent upwelling circulation at monthly time scales is observed in a 17-yr time series of current profiles in shallow water off southern New England. This is not the traditional wind-driven coastal upwelling; instead, it is forced by cross-shelf buoyancy (density) gradients, released by turbulent stresses in shallow water. The persistent upwelling circulation is strongest in summer, when wind and wave forcing are weak, and flushes the inner portion of the continental shelf in a few days. Consequently, this buoyancy-driven coastal upwelling is important for cooling the inner shelf and provides a reliable mechanism for cross-shelf exchange. Many inner shelves are characterized by cross-shelf density gradients and turbulent stresses, suggesting this may be a broadly important cross-shelf exchange mechanism.
机译:在新英格兰南部内大陆架12米水的17年时间序列中,在月度和更长的时间尺度上观察到了非常一致的拉格朗日上升流环流。夏季上升流环流最强,水流震级为1 cms(-1),在2.5天内冲刷内架。冬季上升流环流的平均数约为夏季上升流环流量的一半,但月度变化较大,部分原因是跨大陆架风应力。持续的上升流环流不是风驱动的;它是由与海岸附近密度较低的水相关的跨大陆架浮力驱动的。跨大陆架密度梯度主要是由于夏季的温度,当强烈的地表加热使较浅的近岸水比较深的近岸水变暖时,以及冬季的盐度,这是由海岸附近的淡水引起的。在没有湍流应力的情况下,跨大陆架密度梯度将处于地转热风平衡状态,沿大陆架洋流中的垂直切变。然而,由于强烈的潮汐流和风应力导致内架上的湍流应力导致热风平衡部分破坏,从而释放浮力,从而驱动观测到的上升流环流。跨货架密度梯度的存在对整个内货架的交换产生了深远的影响。许多内陆架的特征是湍流应力和跨大陆架密度梯度,海岸附近水位较轻,这表明湍流热风驱动的沿海上升流可能是一种广泛重要的跨大陆架交换机制。意义声明:在新英格兰南部浅水区 17 年的洋流剖面时间序列中,在月度上观察到非常一致的上升流环流。这不是传统的风力驱动的沿海上升流;相反,它是由浅水中的湍流应力释放的跨大陆架浮力(密度)梯度强迫的。持续的上升流环流在夏季最强,此时风浪强迫较弱,并在几天内冲刷大陆架内部。因此,这种浮力驱动的沿海上升流对于冷却内大陆架非常重要,并为跨大陆架交换提供了可靠的机制。许多内货架的特征是跨货架密度梯度和湍流应力,这表明这可能是一种广泛重要的跨货架交换机制。




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