首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques >A Microwave Filter Yield Optimization Method Based on Off-Line Surrogate Model-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm

A Microwave Filter Yield Optimization Method Based on Off-Line Surrogate Model-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm


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Most existing microwave filter yield optimization methods target a small number of sensitive design variables (e.g., around 5). However, for many real-world cases, more than ten sensitive design variables need to be considered. Due to the complexity, yield optimization quality and efficiency become challenges. Hence, a new method, called yield optimization for filters based on the surrogate model-assisted evolutionary algorithm (YSMA), is proposed. The fundamental idea of YSMA is to construct a single high-accuracy surrogate model offline, which fully replaces electromagnetic (EM) simulations in the entire yield optimization process. Global optimization is then enabled to find designs with substantial yield improvement efficiently using the surrogate model. To reduce the number of necessary samples (i.e., EM simulations) while obtaining the required prediction accuracy, a customized machine learning technique is proposed. The performance of YSMA is demonstrated by two real-world examples with 11 and 14 design variables, respectively. Experimental results show the advantages of YSMA compared to the current dominant sequential online surrogate model-based local optimization methods.
机译:大多数现有的微波滤波器良率优化方法都针对少数敏感的设计变量(例如,大约5个)。然而,对于许多实际情况,需要考虑十多个敏感的设计变量。由于复杂性,产量优化、质量和效率成为挑战。因此,该文提出一种基于代理模型辅助进化算法(YSMA)的滤波器良率优化方法。YSMA的基本思想是离线构建一个单一的高精度代理模型,在整个良率优化过程中完全取代电磁(EM)模拟。然后启用全局优化,以使用代理模型有效地找到具有显著良率提高的设计。为了在获得所需预测精度的同时减少必要的样本数量(即电磁模拟),提出了一种定制的机器学习技术。YSMA 的性能分别由两个具有 11 个和 14 个设计变量的真实示例来证明。实验结果表明,与目前占主导地位的基于顺序在线代理模型的局部优化方法相比,YSMA具有优势。




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