首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Creation of Universal Primers Targeting Nonconserved, Horizontally Mobile Genes: Lessons and Considerations

Creation of Universal Primers Targeting Nonconserved, Horizontally Mobile Genes: Lessons and Considerations


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Effective and accurate primer design is an increasingly important skill, as the use of PCR-based diagnostics in clinical and environmental settings is on the rise. While universal primer sets have been successfully designed for highly conserved core genes, such as 16S rRNA, and characteristic genes, such as dsrAB and dnaJ, primer sets for mobile, accessory genes such as multidrug resistance efflux pumps (MDREP) have not been explored. Here, we describe an approach to create universal primer sets for select MDREP genes chosen from five superfamilies (small multidrug resistance SMR, major facilitator superfamily MFS, multidrug and toxic compound extrusion MATE, ATP-binding cassette ABC, resistance-nodulation- cell division RND, and proteobacterial antimicrobial compound efflux PACE) identified in a model community of six members (Acetobacterium woodii, Bacillus subtilis, Desulfovibrio vulgaris, Geoalkalibacter subterraneus, Pseudomonas putida, and Thauera aromatica). Using sequence alignments and in silico PCR analyses, a new approach for creating universal primer sets targeting mobile, nonconserved genes has been developed and compared to more traditional approaches used for highly conserved genes. The potential shortfalls of the primer sets designed this way are discussed. The approach described here can be adapted to any unique gene set and can aid in creating a wider, more robust library of primer sets to detect less-conserved genes and improve the field of PCR-based screening research. IMPORTANCE Increasing use of molecular detection methods, specifically PCR and quantitative PCR (qPCR), requires utmost confidence in the results while minimizing false positives and false negatives due to poor primer designs. Frequently, these detection methods are focused on conserved core genes, which limits their applications. These screening methods are being used in various industries for specific genetic targets or key organisms, such as viral or infectious str
机译:随着基于PCR的诊断在临床和环境环境中的使用正在增加,有效和准确的引物设计是一项越来越重要的技能。虽然已经成功设计了用于高度保守的核心基因(如 16S rRNA)和特征基因(如 dsrAB 和 dnaJ)的通用引物组,但尚未探索用于移动辅助基因(如多药耐药外排泵 (MDREP))的引物组。在这里,我们描述了一种为选定的MDREP基因创建通用引物组的方法,这些基因选自五个超家族(小多药耐药性[SMR]、主要促进因子超家族[MFS]、多药和毒性[化合物]挤出[MATE]、ATP结合盒[ABC]、抗结瘤-细胞分裂[RND]和变形细菌抗菌化合物外排[PACE])在六个成员的模型群落(木醋杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、 Desulfovibrio vulgaris、Geoalkalibacter subterraneus、Pseudomonas putida 和 Thauera aromatica)。使用序列比对和计算机PCR分析,已经开发了一种用于创建针对移动的非保守基因的通用引物集的新方法,并将其与用于高度保守基因的更传统的方法进行了比较。讨论了以这种方式设计的引物组的潜在缺陷。这里描述的方法可以适用于任何独特的基因集,并有助于创建一个更广泛、更强大的引物集库,以检测保守程度较低的基因,并改善基于PCR的筛选研究领域。重要性 越来越多地使用分子检测方法,特别是PCR和定量PCR(qPCR),需要对结果有最大的可信度,同时最大限度地减少由于引物设计不佳而导致的假阳性和假阴性。通常,这些检测方法集中在保守的核心基因上,这限制了它们的应用。这些筛选方法正被用于各个行业,用于特定的遗传靶标或关键生物体,如病毒或传染性基因。




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