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A challenging therapeutic method for breast cancer: Non-lipolytic endoscopic axillary surgery through periareolar incisions


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abstract_textpSurgical treatment of breast cancer is becoming increasingly precise, less invasive, and more cosmetically pleasing. Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) remain the standard treatment methods for breast cancer. However, these methods still require incisions in the breasts or axilla. Mastoscopic axillary lymph node dissection (MALND) surgery, although first reported several years ago, has not been widely used as it involves lipolysis. Non-lipolytic mastoscopy may be more appealing; however, the lack of a cavity in the breast and the abundant fat and glands make this procedure challenging. In addition, incision of the trocar in the axilla has been shown to have no advantage over traditional breast-conserving surgery. The present study describes 16 cases of non-lipolytic endoscopic axillary surgery without incisions in the axilla./p/abstract_text
机译:乳腺癌的手术治疗正变得越来越精确,侵入性更小,而且在美学上更令人愉悦。前哨淋巴结活检 (SLNB) 和腋窝淋巴结清扫术 (ALND) 仍然是乳腺癌的标准治疗方法。然而,这些方法仍然需要在乳房或腋窝切开切口。乳房镜下腋窝淋巴结清扫术 (MALND) 手术虽然在几年前首次报道,但由于涉及脂肪分解,尚未被广泛使用。非脂肪分解乳腺镜检查可能更具吸引力;然而,乳房中没有空腔以及丰富的脂肪和腺体使该过程具有挑战性。此外,与传统的保乳手术相比,在腋窝切开套管针已被证明没有优势。本研究描述了 16 例无腋窝切口的非脂解内窥镜腋窝手术。




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