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Rebels with a sustainable cause


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Leadership. Most will tell you that they "know it when they see it."Asking people to define leadership can yield some interesting results. For example, a fellow by the name of Alex Putman posted the question in a Linkedln HR group asking people to define leadership in one word.His favorite response?"Rebel,” Putnam wrote. "Sometimes a leader has to be a cowboy or rebel and put themselves outside of the norm, make sacrifices and achieve results! Following the pack may keep you in a job, but to really inspire, you must be determined, creative and passionate!”That stuck with me, because over the past two years, while struggling with impacts of a pandemic, leaders in the Washington wine industry stepped up and stepped outside the box to create a statewide program that will, via third-party audits, certify sustainably grown wine grapes. It certainly would have been easier not to bother. After all, the process took dozens of people, in dozens of meetings, reading and agreeing on dozens of pages of sustainable practices known as "the Standard,” against which growers would be judged. While excruciatingly slow and painful to many, the process was thoughtful, intentional and inclusive.
机译:领导。大多数人会告诉你,他们“一看到就知道”。要求人们定义领导力可以产生一些有趣的结果。例如,一位名叫亚历克斯·普特曼(Alex Putman)的人在Linkedln人力资源小组中发布了这个问题,要求人们用一个词来定义领导力。他最喜欢的回应?反叛,“普特南写道。“有时,领导者必须成为牛仔或叛逆者,将自己置于规范之外,做出牺牲并取得成果!随波逐流可能会让你继续工作,但要真正鼓舞人心,你必须有决心、有创造力和热情!这让我印象深刻,因为在过去的两年里,在与大流行的影响作斗争的同时,华盛顿葡萄酒行业的领导者挺身而出,跳出框框,制定了一个全州范围的计划,该计划将通过第三方审计对可持续种植的酿酒葡萄进行认证。当然,不打扰会更容易。毕竟,这个过程需要数十个人,在数十次会议中,阅读并同意数十页被称为“标准”的可持续实践,根据这些实践来评判种植者。虽然对许多人来说非常缓慢和痛苦,但这个过程是深思熟虑的、有意识的和包容的。




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