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Common weights analysis of renewable energy efficiency of OECD countries


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Arising from the recent COP26 climate change conference, many governments have emphasised carbon neutrality targets for environmental sustainability by increasing renewable energy efficiency. This study develops a common set of weights (CSW) model for the additive model in data envelopment analysis using goal programming to analyse the energy efficiency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. The CSW model, which has better discrimination power, places Iceland as the most renewable energy-efficient member country in the OECD, followed by Luxemburg and Norway. Our findings suggest that OECD countries should increase their renewable energy consumption and reduce municipal waste and CO2 emissions. Investment subsidies should be provided to support the development and adoption of energy-efficient technologies and promote awareness in the community and industry to improve the efficiency of renewable energy to combat climate change.
机译:在最近的COP26气候变化大会上,许多政府通过提高可再生能源效率来强调环境可持续性的碳中和目标。本研究使用目标编程为数据包络分析中的加性模型开发了一组通用权重 (CSW) 模型,以分析经济合作与发展组织 (OECD) 国家的能源效率。CSW模型具有更好的辨别力,使冰岛成为经合组织中可再生能源效率最高的成员国,其次是卢森堡和挪威。我们的研究结果表明,经合组织国家应增加可再生能源消费,减少城市垃圾和二氧化碳排放。应提供投资补贴,以支持节能技术的开发和采用,并提高社区和行业对提高可再生能源效率以应对气候变化的认识。




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