首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Euler deconvolution of satellite gravity and magnetic data for the area around the Rio de la Plata

Euler deconvolution of satellite gravity and magnetic data for the area around the Rio de la Plata


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Prior investigations have suggested that there may be greater seismic hazard to Buenos Aires and Montevideo than is currently allowed for in design codes and regulations. Analyses of risk have, however, been hampered by lack of knowledge concerning potentially seismogenic faults under the Rio de la Plata estuary and the adjacent area of Buenos Aires Province south of the estuary. This work uses satellite gravity anomaly and magnetic intensity data, together with Euler deconvolution, to find lineations in the perturbations of these fields that may be indicative of buried geological features such as faults, dykes, boundaries etc. These lineations were then compared with faulting documented in the literature, which showed reasonable correlation. However, the results also suggested a number of lineations of significant length that have not been documented to date. These lineations are discussed in terms of the limits of prior investigations, and the possibility of their being indicative of potentially seismogenic faulting, of sufficient size to cause significant hazard to the 18 million citizens of Uruguay and Argentina living close to the Rio de la Plata. It is proposed that this work shows the feasibility of using this approach, and that with the availability of more complete data sets and more sophisticated software, further investigation will be enabled.
机译:先前的调查表明,布宜诺斯艾利斯和蒙得维的亚的地震危险可能比目前设计规范和法规所允许的要大。然而,由于缺乏对拉普拉塔河口和河口以南布宜诺斯艾利斯省邻近地区潜在地震断层的了解,对风险的分析受到阻碍。这项工作利用卫星重力异常和磁强度数据,结合欧拉反卷积,在这些场的扰动中寻找可能表明埋藏地质特征的线条,如断层、岩脉、边界等。然后将这些线与文献中记录的断层进行比较,显示出合理的相关性。然而,研究结果也表明,迄今为止尚未记录到许多相当长的线。这些界线是根据先前调查的局限性以及它们可能表明潜在的地震断层的可能性来讨论的,这些断层的规模足以对居住在拉普拉塔河附近的乌拉圭和阿根廷的1 800万公民造成重大危害。建议这项工作显示了使用这种方法的可行性,并且随着更完整的数据集和更复杂的软件的可用性,将进行进一步的研究。




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