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Building retro-commissioning standard and policy: status quo and future directions


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Purpose This paper aims to review standards on or related to retro-commissioning (RCx) and policy measures that are applicable for fostering wider adoption of RCx in existing buildings. In addition to engendering broader polemic debate to address the respective gap in the prevailing body of green building knowledge, the research outcome signposts future directions of works required for developing the needed standard and policy.Design/methodology/approach Following an integrative review approach, RCx-related literature, statutes, publications of public and professional organizations and standards published by institutions including the International Organization for Standardization and other peer organizations in the USA, the UK, Canada and Germany were reviewed.Findings Cities such as Hong Kong and New York in the world’s two largest economies (China and the USA) have been proactive in the pursuit of energy-efficient buildings. Various US cities have imposed statutory requirements on RCx. The need for an international standard on RCx and a bespoke policy for driving the uptake of RCx was also identified.Research limitations/implications Drawn from the research includes the need for further policy research studies to direct how an appropriate policy could be established to engender wider RCx adoption internationally.Practical implications Practical implications center on the identified need to develop a specific standard of RCx works. Making such a standard available to facilities management practitioners is pivotal to realizing the goal of green buildings.Originality/value This study provides new insights, especially the future directions in developing bespoke RCx standards and policy for greening the existing buildings.
机译:目的 本文件旨在检讨适用于促进现有建筑物更广泛采用重新调试(RCx)的标准或与之相关的标准和政策措施。除了引发更广泛的论战性辩论以解决绿色建筑知识的普遍差距外,研究成果还指出了制定所需标准和 policy.Design/methodology/approach 所需的未来工作方向 遵循综合审查方法,RCx相关文献、章程、公共和专业组织的出版物以及包括国际组织在内的机构发布的标准。审查了美国、英国、加拿大和德国的标准化组织和其他同行组织。研究结果 全球两大经济体(中国和美国)的香港和纽约等城市一直积极追求节能建筑。美国多个城市对 RCx 实施了法定要求。会上还指出,需要制定一个关于RCx的国际标准,并制定一项专门的政策来推动RCx的采用。研究的局限性/影响 从研究中得出的结论包括需要进一步的政策研究,以指导如何制定适当的政策,以在国际上引起更广泛的RCx采用。实际影响 实际影响集中在确定需要制定 RCx 作品的具体标准。为设施管理从业人员提供这样的标准对于实现绿色建筑的目标至关重要。原创性/价值 本研究提供了新的见解,特别是为现有建筑的绿色化制定定制的RCx标准和政策的未来方向。




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