首页> 外文期刊>Global public health: An international journal for research, policy and practice >‘In Short, We Will Deport You’: Disrupted temporalities of migrants with HIV in Russia

‘In Short, We Will Deport You’: Disrupted temporalities of migrants with HIV in Russia


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Migrants experience several challenges en route to or in their hostcountry. Current legislation in Russia imposes a permanent ban oninternational migrants with HIV obtaining a residence permit in Russia.Using qualitative methodology, we conducted semi-structuredinterviews with 15 international migrants who have lived with HIV inRussia and 12 interviews with healthcare providers in Russia. With thehelp of Bonnington’s temporal framework, the study finds that the HIVpositivestatus of migrants becomes a biographical event that interruptstheir migration cycle, thereby leading to the disruption of their normallife course which results in ‘short term planning’ and instability.Although most people living with HIV face similar challenges, Russianlaw concerning international migrants living with HIV worsens theirliving experience in Russia. International migrants living with HIV furtherface social exclusion, serious stigma and discrimination. The resultsshow that the country’s demand for migrants with HIV to leave thecountry to reduce the spread of HIV in Russia is counterproductive: itdoes not mobilise heath-seeking behaviour among migrants. Therefore,such legislation has to be amended to encourage international migrantsliving with HIV to access adequate HIV services.
机译:移民在前往东道国的途中或在东道国会遇到一些挑战。俄罗斯现行法律永久禁止感染艾滋病毒的国际移民在俄罗斯获得居留许可。使用定性方法,我们对 15 名在俄罗斯感染 HIV 的国际移民进行了半结构化访谈,并对俄罗斯的医疗保健提供者进行了 12 次访谈。在Bonnington的时间框架的帮助下,研究发现移民的HIV阳性状态成为中断其迁移周期的传记事件,从而导致其正常生命历程的中断,从而导致“短期规划”和不稳定。尽管大多数艾滋病毒感染者都面临着类似的挑战,但俄罗斯关于感染艾滋病毒的国际移民的法律恶化了他们在俄罗斯的生活经历。感染艾滋病毒的国际移民进一步面临社会排斥、严重的污名化和歧视。结果显示,该国要求携带艾滋病毒的移民离开该国以减少艾滋病毒在俄罗斯的传播是适得其反的:它没有动员移民寻求健康的行为。因此,必须对这种立法进行修订,以鼓励感染艾滋病毒的国际移徙者获得充分的艾滋病毒服务。




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