首页> 外文期刊>Clays and clay minerals >Aflatoxin Adsorption by Natural and Heated Sepiolite and Palygorskite in Comparison with Adsorption by Smectite

Aflatoxin Adsorption by Natural and Heated Sepiolite and Palygorskite in Comparison with Adsorption by Smectite


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Smectites are effective binders of aflatoxin in aqueous solutions. Unfortunately, their efficacy is reduced in guts because of interference by biomol-ecules and essential nutrients within the gut. Tunnel structures in palygorskite and sepiolite may function as molecular sieves and may, therefore, serve as alternatives or complements to smectites in binding aflatoxins but not larger biological compounds. The objective of the current work was to determine the effect of heat treatment on aflatoxin B, (AfB_1) adsorption and selectivity for biomolecules by two palygor-skites (Plg_PK and Plg_CN), sepiolite (Sep), and a palygorskite-smectite mixture (Plg-Sm) in comparison with a smectite (Sm-37GR). The clays were heated at 250, 400, 500, and 600℃ while phase and structural changes were characterized by X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Comparative AfB, adsorption was determined in aqueous and in simulated gastric fluids. The clay structures collapsed irreversibly in Sm-37GR and folded in fibrous clays with heating at 400℃ or more. Sm-37GR adsorbed more AfB, than all of the other clays; the estimated adsorption capacity followed the trend Sm-37GR (44 g kg~(-1))>Plg_ PK (18.12 g kg~(-1))>Sep (12.7 g kg~(-1))>Plg_CN (11.4 g kg~(-1)) > Plg-Sm (9.0 g kg~(-1)). This trend appeared to be correlated with the abundance of smectite in the clays. Sepiolite had greater binding strength for AfB1 than the other clays. With intact clay structures, heating induced a negligible effect on AfB, adsorption by the fibrous clays while in Sm-37GR and Plg-Sm, adsorption increased with heating at 250℃. Tunnel folding and structural collapse that had occurred at 400℃ caused an abrupt decline in AfB, adsorption irrespective of the clay type. The sepiolite clay adsorbed the least pepsin (370 g kg~(-1)) while smectite adsorbed the most (1430 g kg~(-1))). Consequently, in the simulated gastric fluid, adsorption declined by 25-30 in sepiolite, 52-60 in smectite, and remained unaffected in the palygorskites. Aflatoxin B, adsorption probably occurred through H-bonding at the surface with the silanol group in palygorskite and sepiolite. No evidence that AfB_1 molecules occupied the tunnels of the natural or heated palygorskite or sepiolite was observed in the present study. Palygorskite and sepiolite had a much smaller adsorption capacity for AfB_1 than the smectite but also adsorbed less pepsin; therefore, both may be effective aflatoxin binders in gastrointestinal systems.
机译:蒙脱石是黄曲霉毒素在水溶液中的有效粘合剂。不幸的是,由于肠道内生物分子和必需营养素的干扰,它们在肠道中的功效会降低。海泡石和海泡石中的隧道结构可以起到分子筛的作用,因此可以作为蒙脱石的替代品或补充,以结合黄曲霉毒素,但不能作为较大的生物化合物。本研究的目的是确定热处理对黄曲霉毒素B AfB_1的影响,以及两种黄曲霉毒素(Plg_PK和Plg_CN)、海泡石(Sep)和黄曲霉石-蒙脱石混合物(Plg-Sm)与蒙脱石(Sm-37GR)相比对生物分子的吸附和选择性。在250°C、400°C、500°C和600°C下加热粘土,通过X射线衍射和红外光谱表征了粘土的相变和结构变化。比较 AfB,测定水溶液和模拟胃液中的吸附。粘土结构在Sm-37GR中不可逆地坍塌,并在400°C或更高的温度下在纤维粘土中折叠。Sm-37GR吸附的AfB比所有其他粘土都多;估计吸附量遵循Sm-37GR(44 g kg~(-1))>Plg_PK(18.12 g kg~(-1))>Sep (12.7 g kg~(-1))>Plg_CN (11.4 g kg~(-1))>Plg-Sm (9.0 g kg~(-1))的趋势。这种趋势似乎与粘土中蒙脱石的丰度有关。海泡石对AfB1的结合强度高于其他粘土。在黏土结构完整的情况下,加热对AfB的影响可以忽略不计,纤维粘土对AfB的吸附作用可以忽略不计,而在Sm-37GR和Plg-Sm中,吸附随250°C加热而增加。在400°C下发生的隧道折叠和结构坍塌导致AfB的突然下降,无论粘土类型如何,其吸附力都很高。海泡石粘土吸附的胃蛋白酶最少(370 g kg~(-1)),蒙脱石吸附最多(1430 g kg~(-1)))。因此,在模拟的胃液中,海泡石的吸附下降了25-30%,蒙脱石下降了52-60%,而在石灰岩中则不受影响。黄曲霉毒素B,可能是通过表面与硅醇基团在palygorskite和sepiolite中的H键结合而发生的。在本研究中,没有观察到AfB_1分子占据天然或加热的palygorskite或海泡石的隧道的证据。Palygorskite 和 sepiolite 对 AfB_1 的吸附能力比蒙脱石小得多,但吸附的胃蛋白酶也较少;因此,两者都可能是胃肠道系统中有效的黄曲霉毒素吸附剂。




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