首页> 外文期刊>European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience >Changes in the pattern of suicides and suicide attempt admissions in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic

Changes in the pattern of suicides and suicide attempt admissions in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic

机译:与 COVID-19 大流行相关的自杀和自杀未遂入院模式的变化

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Abstract The consequences of the current COVID-19 pandemic for mental health remain unclear, especially regarding the effects on suicidal behaviors. To assess changes in the pattern of suicide attempt (SA) admissions and completed suicides (CS) in association with the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of a longitudinal study, SA admissions and CS are systematically documented and analyzed in all psychiatric hospitals in Frankfurt/Main (765.000 inhabitants). Number, sociodemographic factors, diagnoses and methods of SA and CS were compared between the periods of March–December 2019 and March–December 2020. The number of CS did not change, while the number of SA significantly decreased. Age, sex, occupational status, and psychiatric diagnoses did not change in SA, whereas the percentage of patients living alone while attempting suicide increased. The rate and number of intoxications as a SA method increased and more people attempted suicide in their own home, which was not observed in CS. Such a shift from public places to home is supported by the weekday of SA, as the rate of SA on weekends was significantly lower during the pandemic, likely because of lockdown measures. Only admissions to psychiatric hospitals were recorded, but not to other institutions. As it seems unlikely that the number of SA decreased while the number of CS remained unchanged, it is conceivable that the number of unreported SA cases increased during the pandemic. Our data suggest that a higher number of SA remained unnoticed during the pandemic because of their location and the use of methods associated with lower lethality.
机译:摘要 当前 COVID-19 大流行对心理健康的影响尚不清楚,尤其是对自杀行为的影响。评估与COVID-19大流行相关的自杀未遂(SA)入院和完成自杀(CS)模式的变化。作为纵向研究的一部分,在法兰克福/美因河畔的所有精神病院(765.000 名居民)系统地记录和分析了 SA 入院和 CS。比较了 2019 年 3 月至 12 月和 2020 年 3 月至 12 月期间 SA 和 CS 的数量、社会人口学因素、诊断和方法。CS数量没有变化,而SA数量显着减少。SA患者的年龄、性别、职业状况和精神病学诊断没有变化,而试图自杀的独居患者比例增加。作为 SA 方法的中毒率和数量增加,更多的人试图在自己的家中自杀,这在 CS 中没有观察到。南澳的工作日支持了这种从公共场所到家的转变,因为在大流行期间,周末的南澳比率明显较低,这可能是由于封锁措施。只记录了精神病院的入院情况,而没有记录其他机构的入院情况。由于 SA 的数量似乎不太可能减少而 CS 的数量保持不变,因此可以想象,在大流行期间,未报告的 SA 病例数量有所增加。我们的数据表明,在大流行期间,由于它们的位置和使用与较低致死率相关的方法,更多的 SA 仍然没有被注意到。




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