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Rooted in their reality: Driving question boards as a tool for equity


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This year was my first in a high school classroom. Prior to this I taught nine years in college across all levels of physics. I love teaching and physics. But the longer I've been a physics educator, the more I have noticed that physics is often thought of as a "tough" course meant to "weed out" students, and that this perception does not impact all populations equally. Racial gaps in graduation rates from STEM programs are well documented,~1 and contrast starkly with the similar entry rates observed.~(2,3) This is exacerbated by gender inequities.~(4,5), Further, the disparity in female, Black, and Hispanic students completing degres in STEM fields cannot be explained by preparation levels or socioeconomic status.~(1,6) Research suggests that underrepresented populations seek degrees that allow them to help communities, and the completion discrepancy is evidence that STEM fields are not being presented in this way.~(7,8)
机译:今年是我第一次在高中课堂上。在此之前,我在大学教了九年,教授了各个级别的物理课程。我喜欢教学和物理。但是,我从事物理教育的时间越长,我就越注意到,物理学通常被认为是一门旨在“淘汰”学生的“艰难”课程,而且这种看法并不能平等地影响所有人群。STEM课程毕业率的种族差距是有据可查的,~1 与观察到的相似入学率形成鲜明对比.~(2,3) 性别不平等加剧了这种情况.~(4,5), 此外,女性、黑人和西班牙裔学生在 STEM 领域完成 degres 的差异不能用准备水平或社会经济地位来解释.~(1,6) 研究表明,代表性不足的人群寻求学位,使他们能够帮助社区, 完成差异证明 STEM 字段不是以这种方式呈现的~(7,8)




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