首页> 外文期刊>Engineering & technology: E&T: IET engineering & technology >Culture of access builds an able workforce: A proactive stance on disability employment has been part of a cultural change at Morgan Sindall Construction Infrastructure that has benefitted the whole company

Culture of access builds an able workforce: A proactive stance on disability employment has been part of a cultural change at Morgan Sindall Construction Infrastructure that has benefitted the whole company

机译:无障碍文化培养了一支有能力的员工队伍:对残疾人就业的积极态度一直是Morgan Sindall Construction Infrastructure文化变革的一部分,使整个公司受益

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"RECRUITING DISABLED talent isn't an act of charity - it's what smart employers are doing to get ahead of the competition." That is the view of the recently installed Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, Justin Tomlinson. "There are 7.6 million working age people in the UK who have a disability, and many of them are more than able to work."
机译:“招聘残疾人才不是一种慈善行为,而是聪明的雇主为了在竞争中领先而采取的措施。”这是最近上任的残疾人、卫生和工作部长贾斯汀·汤姆林森(Justin Tomlinson)的观点。“英国有760万工作年龄的人有残疾,他们中的许多人完全有能力工作。




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