首页> 外文期刊>The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research >Perinatal and neonatal outcomes of women with very early preterm premature rupture of membranes treated via serial transabdominal amnioinfusion and expectant management: Experience of a tertiary referral center in Turkey

Perinatal and neonatal outcomes of women with very early preterm premature rupture of membranes treated via serial transabdominal amnioinfusion and expectant management: Experience of a tertiary referral center in Turkey


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Abstract Aim We compared the outcomes of serial transabdominal amnioinfusion and expectant management on the perinatal and neonatal outcomes of pregnancies complicated with very early preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM). Methods We retrospectively reviewed the records of patients with very early PPROM admitted to the University of Inonu School of Medicine from 2014 to 2019. All such patients received comprehensive counseling on the possible prognoses; all were offered pregnancy termination, expectant management, and serial transabdominal infusion. Results Sixty‐three women met the inclusion criteria; 36 were assigned to the expectant management group and 27 were assigned to the amnioinfusion group. The median delivery latency and the gestational age at delivery were significantly higher in the amnioinfusion than the expectant management group 35 (11–90), 14 (7–48), p?
机译:摘要 目的 比较连续经腹羊膜腔灌注和期待治疗对妊娠合并极早产早产胎膜早破(PPROM)围产期和新生儿结局的影响。方法 回顾性回顾2014—2019年伊诺努大学医学院收治的极早期PPROM患者的记录。所有这些患者都接受了有关可能预后的全面咨询;所有患者均接受终止妊娠、期待治疗和连续经腹输注。结果 63名女性符合纳入标准;36例被分配到期待治疗组,27例被分配到羊膜腔灌注组。羊膜腔输注组的中位分娩潜伏期和分娩胎龄显著高于期待治疗组[分别为35(11-90)、14(7-48),p?0.001;27.6(22.1-34.0)、22.3(19.0-26.5)、p?0.001]。与期待治疗相比,连续经腹羊膜腔灌注的新生儿死亡率显著降低(29.6 vs 83.3%,p?0.001)。多因素二元logistic回归结果显示,调整潜在混杂因素后,期待治疗组新生儿新生儿死亡几率是连续经腹羊膜腔灌注组的6.12倍。重症新生儿发病率在期待治疗组中明显高于羊膜腔灌注组(p?=?0.011)。结论 经腹羊膜腔连续灌注对极早期PPROM孕妇潜伏期及新生儿发病率和死亡率有显著的积极影响。




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