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On Controlling the Passband and Stopband of UWB Band-Pass Filter


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In this article, the passband, and stopband ofquarter wavelength stubs-based Band Pass Filter (BPF)are controlled by a straightforward and new method. Thismethod depends on inserting an attenuation pole andtuning the passband by a Circular Slot Ring Resonator(CSRR) and rectangular slot beneath the BPF’s stubs.Hence, controlling the passband width without any furtherarea usage is achieved. The stop-band rejection leveland bandwidth are controlled by inserting Band Stop Filter(BSF) after the BPF such that the used rectangularslots beneath the stubs control the stop-band bandwidth.For verification, third-order Chebyshev BPF and ButterworthBSF filters are used. The proposed filter passbandis chosen to cover the sub-6 GHz different 5G bands.The proposed BPF has an ultra-wide 3 dB passband of2.97 GHz (2.35 GHz - 5.32 GHz) and a 20 dB stopbandof 4.59 GHz (6.18-10.77 GHz). The proposed BPF filteris fabricated, measured, and the results are in goodagreement with their simulated counterparts.
机译:在本文中,基于四分之一波长短截线的带通滤波器(BPF)的通带和阻带通过一种简单而新的方法进行控制。这种方法依赖于插入衰减极点,并通过圆形槽环谐振器(CSRR)和BPF短截线下方的矩形槽调谐通带。因此,无需进一步使用面积即可控制通带宽度。通过在BPF后插入带阻滤波器(BSF)来控制阻带抑制电平和带宽,以便短截线下方使用的矩形插槽控制阻带带宽。为了进行验证,使用了三阶切比雪夫BPF和巴特沃斯BSF滤波器。选择所提出的滤波器通带来覆盖sub-6 GHz不同的5G频段。所提出的BPF具有2.97 GHz (2.35 GHz - 5.32 GHz)的超宽3 dB通带和4.59 GHz (6.18-10.77 GHz)的20 dB阻带。对所提出的BPF滤波器进行了制备和测量,结果与仿真结果吻合较好。




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