首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Individual and environmental factors associated with defecation while lying down in dairy cows

Individual and environmental factors associated with defecation while lying down in dairy cows


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Cows typically defecate while standing. Freestalls are designed to position standing cows such that their feces fall into the alley. Cows sometimes defecate while lying down, increasing the risk that feces contaminate the stall surface. We conducted 2 studies investigating cow level and environmental factors associated with defecating while recumbent. In experiment 1, we hypothesized that conditions making it more difficult for cows to stand up (including greater age, high body weight, pregnancy, and lameness) would increase the risk of this behavior. We followed 92 cows for 12 d, scanning stalls 5 times/d using live observation. Almost half (48) of all cows defecated while recumbent at least once; cows that spent more time lying down and that were earlier in gestation were at highest risk. Weight, parity, age, and lameness were not associated with this behavior. In experiment 2, we tested how overstocking influenced the occurrence of defecating while recumbent. We predicted overstocking would increase the occurrence of this behavior, especially when cows were in stalls at more preferred locations. We recorded stall occupancy, displacement attempts, and defecating while recumbent in 4 groups of 36 cows tested at both 100 and 150 lying stall stocking densities for 2 nights each using a crossover design. Overstocking resulted in higher stall use and more displacements, but less lying and fewer perching events. We did not detect any relationship between use of specific stalls or competition and defecating while recumbent. Most recorded displacements were associated with perching. Increased time perching increased the likelihood of defecating while recumbent, perhaps because perching cows were less dominant or more reluctant to stand up once lying down in the stall. Overstocking did not increase defecating while recum bent, likely because cows spent less time lying down. Together, these results indicate that defecating while recumbent can be common, and points to some of the cow-level factors associated with this behavior.
机译:奶牛通常站立时排便。自由畜栏的设计是为了定位站立的奶牛,使它们的粪便落入小巷。奶牛有时会躺着排便,这增加了粪便污染畜栏表面的风险。我们进行了 2 项研究,调查了奶牛水平和与卧位排便相关的环境因素。在实验 1 中,我们假设使奶牛更难站立的条件(包括年龄更大、体重高、怀孕和跛行)会增加这种行为的风险。我们对 92 头奶牛进行了 12 天的随访,使用实时观察扫描牛栏 5 次/天。几乎一半(48%)的奶牛在卧位时至少排便一次;躺下时间较长且妊娠较早的奶牛风险最高。体重、胎次、年龄和跛行与这种行为无关。在实验 2 中,我们测试了过度放养如何影响卧位排便的发生。我们预测过度放养会增加这种行为的发生,特别是当奶牛在更喜欢的位置的牛栏里时。我们记录了 4 组 36 头奶牛的牛栏占用率、位移尝试和卧卧时排便的情况,这些奶牛在 100% 和 150% 的卧栏放养密度下进行了测试,每组使用交叉设计进行 2 晚测试。过度放养导致更高的畜栏使用率和更多的位移,但躺着和栖息事件减少。我们没有发现使用特定摊位或比赛与卧位排便之间存在任何关系。大多数记录的位移都与栖息有关。栖息时间的增加增加了卧位时排便的可能性,这可能是因为栖息的奶牛在牛栏里躺下后不那么占主导地位或更不愿意站起来。过度放养并没有增加排便,这可能是因为奶牛躺下的时间较少。总之,这些结果表明,卧位排便可能很常见,并指出了与这种行为相关的一些奶牛水平因素。




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