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Effect of different crop established methods and weed control treatments on chlorophyll content, yield and water use efficiency in rice


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A field experiment was conducted at JNKW, Jabalpur with an objective to find out the effect of crop establishment methods and weed control treatments on chlorophyll content, yield and water use efficiency of rice. This field experiment was conducted during kharif season of the year 2017 with three crop establishment method (direct seeded rice, system of rice intensification, transplanted rice) and five herbicidal applications (bispyribac-sodium 10 SC @ 20g/ha, fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 9.3 EC @ 93 g/ha, fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 6.7 EC @ 56 g/ha, Hand weeing and weedy check). Experiment was laid out in a split plot design with three replications. Results indicated that Chlorophyll content was maximum recorded in TPR (39.2) followed by SRI (38.1) and DSR (34.4). Among the herbicidal application, maximum chlorophyll content was obtained in Bispyribac sodium 10 SC @ 20 g/ha. Among planting methods maximum WUE was significantly higher in SRI (9.81 kg/ha-mm) followed by TPR (8.26 kg/ha-mm) and DSR (6.66 kg/ha-mm), among weed control treatments, maximum water use efficiency (WUE) exhibited in hand weeding (10.6 Kg/ha-mm) while minimum in weedy check plot (6.21Kg/ha-mm). Among herbicides application W_1 (9.26 Kg/ha-mm) observed significantly higher WUE followed byW_3 (8.30 Kg/ha-mm) and W_2 (7.38 Kg/ha-mm) treatments.
机译:在贾巴尔普尔JNKW进行了田间试验,目的是了解作物种植方法和杂草控制处理对水稻叶绿素含量、产量和水分利用效率的影响。该田间试验于2017年哈里夫季节进行,采用3种作物种植方法(直接播种水稻、水稻集约化系统、移栽水稻)和5种除草施用(双草胺钠10%SC @ 20g/ha,非诺丙-对乙基9.3%EC @ 93 g/ha,非诺丙-对乙基6.7%EC @ 56 g/ha,手尿和杂草检查)。实验采用分体式设计,重复三次。结果表明,叶绿素含量在TPR(39.2)中最高,其次是SRI(38.1)和DSR(34.4)。在除草剂应用中,双草酸钠 10% SC @ 20 g/ha 的叶绿素含量最高。在杂草防治处理中,SRI的最大WUE(9.81 kg/hm-mm)显著高于TPR(8.26 kg/hm-mm)和DSR(6.66 kg/hm-mm),在杂草控制处理中,人工除草的最大水分利用效率(WUE)为10.6 Kg/hm-mm,而杂草样地的水分利用效率最小(6.21Kg/hm-mm)。在除草剂施用W_1(9.26 Kg/hm-mm)中,byW_3处理(8.30 Kg/hm-mm)和W_2处理(7.38 Kg/hm-mm)的WUE显著升高。




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