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Accelerometer-Based Physical Activity Assessment During Intermittent Conditions: Effect of Epoch Length on Energy Expenditure Estimate


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Purpose: This study analyzed the effect of epoch length on energy expenditure (EE) estimates and on the moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) measure obtained from EE estimates during accelerometer-based assessment. Methods: Ten active students exercised on a treadmill for four 5-min bouts, using two effort intensities (running and walking) and two physical activity (PA) patterns (continuous or intermittent) wearing an accelerometer. The criterion measure of EE was achieved using indirect calorimetry. Data obtained from the accelerometer were reintegrated into 1-sec, 10-sec, 30-sec and 60-sec epochs. Results: During the running intermittent condition, EE and MVPA estimates from the accelerometer were no different from the criterion measure with 30- and 60-sec epoch lengths but they were different with shorter epoch lengths. During the walking intermittent condition, no difference was observed between EE estimates and the criterion measure, regardless of the epoch length. During the running continuous condition, EE estimated from the accelerometer was significantly lower than the EE obtained with the criterion measure, regardless of the epoch length. During the walking continuous condition, no difference was observed. Conclusion: During the intermittent running condition, longer epoch lengths gave the best EE and MVPA estimates. This conclusion is contrary to the current general view that shorter epochs are the most accurate for PA assessment. However, PA estimates are closer to an external load estimates whereas EE estimates are closer to the internal load estimate. Depending on the objective of their study, researchers should be aware of these findings.
机译:目的:本研究分析了在基于加速度计的评估过程中,纪元长度对能量消耗 (EE) 估计值和从 EE 估计值中获得的中度至剧烈体力活动 (MVPA) 测量值的影响。方法:10 名活跃的学生在跑步机上锻炼了 4 次 5 分钟的比赛,使用两种强度(跑步和步行)和两种身体活动 (PA) 模式(连续或间歇)佩戴加速度计。EE的标准测量是使用间接量热法实现的。从加速度计获得的数据被重新整合到 1 秒、10 秒、30 秒和 60 秒的周期中。结果:在运行间歇条件下,加速度计的EE和MVPA估计值与30秒和60秒周期长度的标准测量值没有差异,但随着周期长度的缩短,它们有所不同。在步行间歇条件下,无论纪元长度如何,EE 估计值和标准测量值之间都没有观察到差异。在连续运行条件下,无论周期长度如何,从加速度计估计的EE都明显低于使用标准测量获得的EE。在连续行走条件下,没有观察到差异。结论:在间歇运行条件下,较长的epoch长度给出了最佳的EE和MVPA估计值。这一结论与目前普遍的观点相反,即较短的周期对 PA 评估最准确。但是,PA 估计值更接近外部负载估计值,而 EE 估计值更接近内部负载估计值。根据他们的研究目标,研究人员应该意识到这些发现。




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