首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry of Materials: A Publication of the American Chemistry Society >Ultrafast Fabrication of Lignin-Encapsuiated Silica Nanoparticles Reinforced Conductive Hydrogels with High Elasticity and Self-Adhesion for Strain Sensors

Ultrafast Fabrication of Lignin-Encapsuiated Silica Nanoparticles Reinforced Conductive Hydrogels with High Elasticity and Self-Adhesion for Strain Sensors


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Conductive hydrogels are receiving considerable attention because of their important applications, such as flexible wearable electronic, human-machine interfaces, and smart/soft robotics. However, the insufficient mechanical performance and inferior adhesive capability severely hinder the potential applications in such an emerging field. Herein, a highly elastic conductive hydrogel that integrated mechanical robustness, self-adhesiveness, UV-filtering, and stable electrical performance was achieved by the synergistic effect of sulfonated lignin-coated silica nanoparticles (LSNs), polyacrylamide (PAM) chains, and ferric ions (Fe~(3+)). In detail, the dynamic redox reaction was constructed between the catechol groups of LSNs and Fe~(3+), which could promote the rapid gelation of the acrylamide (AM) monomers in 60 s. The optimized conductive hydrogels containing 1.5 wt LSNs as the dynamic junction points exhibited the excellent elasticity (<15 hysteresis ratio), high stretchability (~1100 elongation), and improved mechanical robustness (tensile and compressive strength of ~ 180 kPa and ~480 kPa). Notably, the abundant catechol groups of LSNs endowed the conductive hydrogels with the long-lasting and robust self-adhesion, enabling seamless adhesion to the human skin. Meanwhile, the catechol groups also provided an exceptional UV-blockmg capability (~95.1) for the conductive hydrogels. The combined advantages of the conductive hydrogels were manifested in flexible sensors for the high-fidelity detection of various mechanical deformations over a wide range of strain (10-200) with good repeatability and stability. We believed that the designed conductive hydrogels may become a promising candidate material in future flexible wearable electronics for long-term and stable human movements monitoring.
机译:导电水凝胶因其重要的应用而受到广泛关注,例如柔性可穿戴电子、人机界面和智能/软机器人。然而,机械性能不足和粘合能力较差严重阻碍了这一新兴领域的潜在应用。本文通过磺化木质素包覆二氧化硅纳米颗粒(LSNs)、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)链和三价铁离子(Fe~(3+))的协同作用,制备了一种集机械强度、自粘性、紫外线过滤性和稳定的电性能于一体的高弹性导电水凝胶。具体而言,LSNs的邻苯二酚基团与Fe~(3+)之间构建了动态氧化还原反应,可以促进丙烯酰胺(AM)单体在60 s内的快速凝胶化。以1.5 wt % LSNs为动态连接点的优化导电水凝胶表现出优异的弹性(<15%滞后比)、高拉伸性(~1100%伸长率)和改进的机械鲁棒性(拉伸和抗压强度分别为~180 kPa和~480 kPa)。值得注意的是,LSNs丰富的邻苯二酚基团赋予了导电水凝胶持久而强大的自粘性,能够无缝粘附在人体皮肤上。同时,邻苯二酚基团还为导电水凝胶提供了出色的紫外阻断能力(~95.1%)。导电水凝胶的综合优势体现在柔性传感器上,该传感器可在很宽的应变范围(10-200%)下高保真地检测各种机械变形,具有良好的可重复性和稳定性。我们相信,所设计的导电水凝胶可能成为未来柔性可穿戴电子产品中一种有前途的候选材料,用于长期稳定的人体运动监测。




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