首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Selection of macroinvertebrate metrics for rapid assessment of the human impact by biotic conditions of Bolivian Altiplano streams

Selection of macroinvertebrate metrics for rapid assessment of the human impact by biotic conditions of Bolivian Altiplano streams


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We developed a rapid multimetric index using macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of ecological conditions for the Bolivian Altiplano streams. A total of 64 taxa and 30 environmental variables were collected from 29 sampled sites. After identifying redundant metrics through Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and considering practical application criteria, four biological attributes were selected to compose the Altiplano Integrity Benthic Index (AIBI): Genus richness, Filter-Collector, Gatherer-Collector, and Swimmer groups. The sensitivity of the index was tested in 17 rivers using a Co-Inertia Analysis (CoIA), and its first axis of analysis was strongly correlated to the new AIBI scores (r = 0.8, p 0.001). At Pacajes Rivers, the macroinvertebrate Gatherers-Collector group was common in organic pollution sites and the Swimmer group with hydraulic disturbance sites. In contrast, the Scraper group becomes a specific group for the reference conditions. The AIBI responded to environmental variables associated with a gradient of human disturbance affecting the running freshwater's ecological condition. The proposed index could allow the structuration a biomonitoring program.
机译:我们开发了一个快速的多指标指数,使用大型无脊椎动物作为玻利维亚高原溪流生态条件的生物指标。从29个采样点共收集了64个分类群和30个环境变量。在通过主成分分析(PCA)识别冗余指标并考虑实际应用标准后,选取了4个生物属性组成了高臻超薄完整性底栖指数(AIBI):属丰富度、过滤-收集器、收集器-收集器和游泳者组。使用共惯性分析(CoIA)在17条河流中测试了该指数的敏感性,其第一分析轴与新的AIBI得分(r = 0.8,p < 0.001)强相关。在Pacajes Rivers,大型无脊椎动物采集者-收集者组在有机污染地点很常见,而游泳者组在水力干扰地点很常见。相反,Scraper 组成为参考条件的特定组。AIBI对与影响流动淡水生态状况的人为干扰梯度相关的环境变量做出了反应。拟议的指数可以允许构建生物监测计划。




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