首页> 外文期刊>Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Evaluation of Some Transpiration Regulators in Sunflower for Saving Irrigation Water in Relation to Productivity

Evaluation of Some Transpiration Regulators in Sunflower for Saving Irrigation Water in Relation to Productivity


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An experimental field trial was conducted in seasons of 2015 and 2016 at Giza Experimental Station of Agricultural Research Centre (ARC), Egypt to evaluate the foliar spray effect with transpiration regulators (Potassium, Kaolin and Ascorbic acid) and three levels of irrigations (100, 80 and 60 of Et0) on yield, its attributes, and water productivity of two sunflower cultivars (Giza 102 and Solala 120). The factorial treatments were arranged in split- split plot design with three replications. The irrigation levels (100, 80 and 60 of Et0) were devoted for main plots, while subplots contained the three spraying treatments of transpiration regulators. (Potassium at 1, Kaolin at 3 and Ascorbic acid at 100 ppm), in addition to control treatment (water spray). Sub-sub plots were occupied by the two sunflower cultivars (Giza 102 and Solala 120). Obtained results proved that, increasing irrigation levels up to (80- 100) caused significant increase in all growth characteristics, photosynthetic pigments (total chlorophyll), relative water content (RWC ) and seed oil . Also, yield parameters being head diameter, 1000-seed weight and seed yield) show significant reduction under water deficit. Foliar spray with (Potassium at 1, Kaolin at 3 and Ascorbic acid at 100 ppm), positively affected all the growth and physiological criteria of the tested plants compared with control. Generally, under low irrigation levels, application of transpiration regulators effectively reduced the detrimental impact of drought stress on growth, yield and its components of the two used cultivars in the two seasons. While, foliar spraying of potassium under 100 of Et0 gave the best treatment in this respect. Concerning cultivars, WUE (water use efficiency) for Solala 120 was significantly higher than for Giza 102 in the two seasons. All interactions among factors under study due to WUE were not significant in 2015 and 2016 seasons.
机译:2015 年和 2016 年,在埃及农业研究中心 (ARC) 的吉萨实验站进行了一项田间试验,以评估蒸腾调节剂(钾、高岭土和抗坏血酸)和三种灌溉水平(Et0 的 100%、80% 和 60%)对两个向日葵品种(吉萨 102 和索拉拉 120)的产量、属性和水分生产力的叶面喷洒效果。析因处理采用分割样地设计,重复3次。灌水量(Et0的100%、80%和60%)用于主地块,而子地块则包含蒸腾调节剂的3种喷洒处理。(1%的钾,3%的高岭土和100ppm的抗坏血酸),除了对照处理(喷水)。两个向日葵品种(吉萨 102 和索拉拉 120)占据了子地块。结果证明,灌水量增加至(80-100%)可显著提高所有生长特性、光合色素(总叶绿素)、相对含水量(RWC%)和种子油量。此外,产量参数,即穗径、1000粒种子重量和种子产量)在缺水的情况下显示出显著的降低。与对照组相比,叶面喷施(1%的钾、3%的高岭土和100 ppm的抗坏血酸)对测试植物的所有生长和生理标准产生了积极影响。一般而言,在低灌水位下,施用蒸腾调节剂可有效降低干旱胁迫对两个季节两种用品种的生长、产量及其成分的不利影响。同时,叶面喷施100%的Et0钾在这方面给出了最好的处理。在栽培品种方面,Solala 120的WUE(水分利用效率)在两个季节显著高于Giza 102。在2015年和2016年季节,WUE所研究因素之间的所有交互作用均不显著。




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