首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience and behavioral physiology >Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Exogenous Gonadotropin on Brain Development in Mice

Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Exogenous Gonadotropin on Brain Development in Mice


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This report presents data on the influence of stimulating the ovaries with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on the postnatal development of offspring in mice. This treatment produced only minor effects on the maturation of neonatal reflexes in offspring, such as righting reflexes on surfaces and in the air, eye opening, and formation of the mature posture. Offspring of both sexes obtained from females given hCG lagged behind control animals in terms of body weight in the first week after birth. Furthermore, the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex of male offspring obtained after administration of hCG to mothers was significantly larger on day 42 of life, without any change in neuron size. The number of neurons in hippocampal field CA1 in offspring of the hCG group was smaller, while neuron size was greater as compared with controls on day 21 of life. The results of this study show that the prenatal action of hCG had virtually no effect on the neonatal development of offspring, with the exception of some delay in weight gain in the first week of life. However, male offspring showed delay in weight gain at the end of the suckling period and changes in the number of neurons in hippocampal field CA1 and the prefrontal cortex at the end of the suckling period and at age 1.5 months.
机译:本报告介绍了用人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)刺激卵巢对小鼠后代出生后发育的影响的数据。这种治疗对后代新生儿反射的成熟仅产生轻微影响,例如矫正表面和空气中的反射、睁眼和形成成熟姿势。在出生后第一周,从给予hCG的雌性获得的雌性后代在体重方面落后于对照组动物。此外,在母亲给予 hCG 后获得的雄性后代大脑皮层中的神经元数量在出生后第 42 天显着增加,神经元大小没有任何变化。在出生后第21天,hCG组后代海马场CA1神经元数量较少,而神经元大小较对照组更大。这项研究的结果表明,hCG的产前作用对后代的新生儿发育几乎没有影响,除了在出生后第一周体重增加的一些延迟。然而,雄性后代在哺乳期结束时体重增加延迟,在哺乳期结束时和1.5月龄时海马场CA1和前额叶皮层的神经元数量发生变化。




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